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drama about japanese language

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drama about japanese language

Postby tanitayou » August 13th, 2010 8:46 am

For those interested in japan dramas and particular expressions of japanese this drama is currently airing on TBA.

the title is "NIHONJIN NO SHIRANAI NIHONGO". There are some interestig explanation about words and expressions that often also the native japanese speakers are not able to use properly.

Check on the site Hope this helps.

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Postby Javizy » August 13th, 2010 1:16 pm

Is it live action or anime? I saw a book with the same title that is presented through short manga stories. I was thinking of getting it, but maybe watching this will save me some money :)

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Postby tanitayou » August 13th, 2010 3:03 pm

It is live action and the story comes from the manga by Hebizo and Umino Najiko.
On the site d- addicts you can download the episodes 1 to 4 before the drama is currently airing.
It's funny to see that the characters are students of Japanese living in Japan and trying to learn the correct language that sometimes the native speakers can't remember.
I hope you can enjoy yourself.

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Postby Jessi » August 16th, 2010 12:06 am

I personally suggest reading the manga - it's much better :lol: In the show they made the main character (the teacher) a gyaru type and gave her the biggest attitude :roll: I've only watched the first two episodes, though - maybe it gets better.
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Postby tanitayou » August 16th, 2010 10:21 am

Thank you, Jessisan, for suggestion. I' ll try to find the book and read it.

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Postby untmdsprt » September 6th, 2010 12:28 am

I love the show and have been downloading from even after I've watched it on TV. They have both English and Japanese subtitles on the website so you can understand everything, and also practice reading Japanese.

After the episode about バイト敬語, I've been hearing more Japanese people using this when I go to certain stores. :)

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