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Learning japanese with manga and anime

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Learning japanese with manga and anime

Postby mellaart044317 » March 1st, 2010 9:33 am

Hello to everyone. I've already learned about 1300 kanji, but I got still misunderstanding when I found words I didn't know. I can spot the single meaning of a kanji, but not of a word with two or three kanji. I'd like to become to practice my japanese reading manga and watching anime.
Is there any manga/anime suitable for my level? Is there any place where I could find japanese subtitle for anime?
Tk for your reply

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Postby QuackingShoe » March 1st, 2010 1:03 pm

Yotsubato is the good, standard manga recommendation because it's easy (as far as native material goes) and basically everyone likes it.
Otherwise, pursue your own tastes. There's a lot of manga out there. What I want to read and would recommend isn't what you want to read. But as a suggestions, slice-of-life and comedy are going to be easier than anything else.

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Postby aephion » July 2nd, 2010 4:37 pm

The K-on! 4-koma manga might be an idea - as previously recommended it's also a slice-of-life and it has a consistent theme: music :)
So the only unfamiliar terminology you'll probably encounter is related to music, so that could probably help you to look up the meanings of the words you can't figure out ^_^

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Postby QuackingShoe » July 2nd, 2010 5:42 pm

No reason not to give it a try, and I really like the manga personally, but K-on has the beginner disadvantage of not having regular furigana.

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Postby Nebarik » November 7th, 2010 9:21 pm

yeah but he knows 1300 kanji. thats a hell of a lot more then the 300-400 i know, and i read lucky star (no furigana either)
that said i do use a kanji look up while reading. also good for combining kanji to find the meanings.

little hint ive found im coming across a lot. learn the 'on' readings of kanji. so when you come across say "学生”, in your head the first thing that comes to mind is "study-life.....gaku-sei... oh! student!". making the connection in your own head its miles better then being told it means something.

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Postby bluesiren747158 » November 12th, 2010 1:23 pm

1300 kanji wow. How can you know that many and be a beginner? you should be able to read just about any manga :) I know about 500 and I read non-furigana stuff (using a dictionary of course LOL) I'd say, try to challenge yourself and read more advanced vocabulary titles.
Just use a dictionary (nothing wrog with that) when you see the same 2-3 kanji words a lot, eventually you will remember them, that is the only way to learn really, unless you want to cram day and night LOL

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Postby brad12 » February 21st, 2011 6:40 am

actually I am new for the manga and anime. I am totally confuse about manga and anime. Is there is any relation ship between manga and anime.

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Sort of related. Can be, but sometimes isn't.

Postby mrsspooky5154 » July 10th, 2011 5:38 pm

brad12 wrote:actually I am new for the manga and anime. I am totally confuse about manga and anime. Is there is any relation ship between manga and anime.

A lot of anime is based on manga. Some anime was produced and manga based on it has been released. Then there's manga that hasn't been animated.

Manga is a graphic novel (think of a thick comic book) that may or may not be related to an anime series or movie.

The big difference between the two is obvious, one is read, the other is watched and listened to. :)

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