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Japan's mail system

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Japan's mail system

Postby sxdgal » November 22nd, 2009 7:15 am

Hi all,
Recently my school arranged a Japanese exchange program with a Japanese school. At the end of the program, I exchanged email addresses with my buddy. It was only after he left for Japan that i realised that his phone(docomo service provider) would automatically reject emails from computers. I've recieved an email from him but i can't seem to reply. What should I do?

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Postby Hikaritennyo » December 7th, 2009 7:21 am

This may be a little late, but what kind of email are you using? I have a Japanese friend and I have sent messages to her phone using gmail and yahoo. Maybe it blocks certain types? Or maybe her service is more inclusive? Hope this helps.
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Postby mtpiper » January 28th, 2010 7:31 pm

I've never had problems emailing our friend on her phone account. I've always emailed from gmail, and she even changed phones (and email addresses) several months ago and never a problem for me.

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Postby Taurus » January 29th, 2010 1:00 am

I have had this problem, too. I sent a group email to several of my friends in Japan and most of them didn't receive it - and I got no warning to say that they didn't receive it. Maybe that's because I sent it to several addresses and it was picked up by a spam filter, but I think I've also had problems sending mails to other people if I haven't sent them one before - so I don't really understand the rules with which the phone companies filter emails. I sent an email to one of my wife's friends the other day to thank her for some wine and I don't know whether she received it or not because she hasn't replied (but I don't know her well enough to send another email to ask...).

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