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Test Your Knowledge of Japan

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Test Your Knowledge of Japan

Postby zakojanai » March 24th, 2009 11:48 pm

Here are a couple of quizzes that test your knowledge of Japan. The quizzes are in English/romaji because they're not really for students of Japanese, but they're fun nonetheless. The first one tests your knowledge of sushi names in Japanese, the second one is Japanese prefectures.

I can't remember what I got the first time I took them, but feel free to share/brag.

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Postby Jessi » March 25th, 2009 2:24 am

Interesting! I tried the prefecture one and got 26/47. I forgot some of the easy ones like Aomori and Fukuoka though!

I have to admit I don't know my sushi very well so I don't know how I'll do on that one...
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Postby Psy » March 25th, 2009 4:47 am

I'm awful at sushi. 7/24. I should have gotten maguro and uni but my brain ran away on me. I knew all of the prefectures, though!

Fun quiz. Gives me some useful sushi-related vocabulary for which I am sorely lacking.
High time to finish what I've started. || Anki vocabulary drive: 5,000/10k. Restart coming soon. || Dig my Road to Katakana tutorial on the App store.

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Postby Javizy » March 25th, 2009 3:33 pm

I got 6/24 on the sushi one :lol: My food vocabulary in general is terrible, and I've never even heard of things like geoduck in English, let alone Japanese. It sounds like something out of Pokemon.

I got the same score for the prefectures :lol: I did have an Anki deck with pictures for them, but the cards didn't seem to be displayed in any logical way. I'd like to know how to read them and have a general idea of where they are, since it can be really useful to know.

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