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Web Enhanced Ore Ore Sagi in US

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Web Enhanced Ore Ore Sagi in US

Postby Neil53 » February 3rd, 2009 7:16 pm

When Robert Gustaveson's phone rang last week, he got an unexpected request from a man claiming to be his grandson. "He wanted me to send him $3,000 by MoneyGram," Gustaveson said.

The man said he had been arrested in Canada for drinking and driving and needed the cash quickly to pay the fine. "He sounded like Michael. He talked about his wife, named her by name, his little boy," Gustaveson said.

Whether you're on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, or another site, scammers can easily find you. Gustaveson thinks his attacker saw his family's online blog.

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New Style Scams

Postby Hiroko » February 26th, 2009 2:44 am

Wow that's creepy!

In Japan, the new style of "ore ore sagi" has come up.
The criminals look for female names (usually the guys names are on the phone book, so if a female name's there that could be beacuse she is living alone) and the names that were poplular among old people, such as Tora, Ume, Mitsue etc.
They call as her son, insurance company, cops. If they call as a police officer they might say something like "Your husband is in custidy because he did chikan on the train. but i have a lawyer here who can talk to you regarding on this matter, would you like to talk to him?" the wife of course panics and talks to the "lawyer" on the phone and go pay money on ATM.

Other case that shocked me the other day was:
a guy calls the family, saying he was their son, but the dad didn't trust him, so he said "ok let's meet, and I will give you the money you need" so, the couple left the house to meet their "son", and the "son" was watching them leave the house, so he broke in and stole everything.

Watch out people!

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Postby jclemons » April 14th, 2009 9:59 am

Yeah it's so creepy especially since I've been called by people too. But they butchered my name when they said they knew me so it was easy to realize. Plus they usually call from unknown numbers so I just blocked those and the problems went away.

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