Age: 19
Place of birth: somewhere in the Netherlands
Furthest location travelled: Japan
Places you want to go: Back to Japan, back to Scotland... would like to visit Korea, China, Australia sometime too..
Spoken languages: Dutch and English
Written Languages: Dutch and English
Languages in the process of learning: German (I can understand basically everything but would like to improve speech and writing) and obviously Japanese
Hobbies: Music, Japanese, traveling, photography
Occupation: Student, with a parttime job at a bakery
Education: Currently I'm a second year student of Japanese languages & cultures, in university
Favorite Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, *insert more Johnny Depp movies

Favorite Bands: L'Arc~en~Ciel, D'erlanger, Within Temptation, Anouk
Favorite Video Games: Not much into video games...
Ultimate Goal:
1. Study in Japan for a year (and improve my Japanese)
2. Get my dream job!