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Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

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Postby chenka » November 23rd, 2008 12:27 pm

Name: Carola
Age: 19
Place of birth: somewhere in the Netherlands
Furthest location travelled: Japan
Places you want to go: Back to Japan, back to Scotland... would like to visit Korea, China, Australia sometime too..
Spoken languages: Dutch and English
Written Languages: Dutch and English
Languages in the process of learning: German (I can understand basically everything but would like to improve speech and writing) and obviously Japanese
Hobbies: Music, Japanese, traveling, photography
Occupation: Student, with a parttime job at a bakery
Education: Currently I'm a second year student of Japanese languages & cultures, in university
Favorite Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, *insert more Johnny Depp movies :P*, Interview with the Vampire, The King and the Clown, Battle Royale
Favorite Bands: L'Arc~en~Ciel, D'erlanger, Within Temptation, Anouk
Favorite Video Games: Not much into video games...
Ultimate Goal:
1. Study in Japan for a year (and improve my Japanese)
2. Get my dream job!

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Re: Get to know each other! (jpod101 user profiles)

Postby Kazu1985 » November 23rd, 2008 2:59 pm

-- Marcel

-- 23

Place of birth:
-- Germany

Furthest location travelled:
-- Japan (Nagasaki, Oita, Sapporo)

Places you want to go:
-- Japan (can't get enough) -- one-way would be best
-- Kansai-region

Spoken languages:
-- German (so happy that I don't have to learn it as a foreign language)
-- English
-- Japanese (JLPT2 Niveau)

Written Languages:
-- German
-- English
-- Japanese (well, more passiv than active, Kanjiniveau is also around JLPT2)

Languages in the process of learning:
-- Japanese
-- want to pick up Mandarin, but I am kind of 'afraid', as concerns prononciation

-- Japanese language and culture (thinking about taking a taiko course ^^)
-- love to do tea ceremonies
-- my friends
-- books, movies and videogames

Occupation / Education:
-- university student (Japanese / English)
-- BA in spring (planned)
-- MA in 'Modern Japanese Culture' (planned)

Favorite Movies:
-- well, a lot (usually focus around Asia / Japan)
-- Tonari no Totoro, Chakushin Ari 1-3

Favorite Video Games:
-- 'Tales of' Series <--- best RPG series ever

Ultimate Goal:
-- master Japanese
-- get the chance for a longer stay in Japan
-- leaving Germany

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Posts: 14
Joined: August 20th, 2008 5:16 pm

Postby MagicToaster » November 26th, 2008 5:18 pm

Name: Hannah
Age: 15
Place of birth: yorkshire England
Furthest location travelled: Rosas spain (with my school on a coach :wink: )
Places you want to go: Japan , some where hot and somewhere snowy but I havn't decided where yet :P
Spoken languages: English
Written Languages: English
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese.
Hobbies: painting , sleeping
Occupation: School
Education: dont know until January :?
Favorite Movies/TV: Hana Yori Dango, Big Cook Little Cook !!!
Favorite Bands: Within Temptaion , Miyavi
Favorite Video Games: The Sims .
Ultimate Goal: Get married and have loads of kids !!!

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Joined: November 10th, 2008 5:09 pm

Postby cronus » December 5th, 2008 11:17 pm

hmm, didn't see this here when I posted my intro.

Name: Jason
Age: 22
Place of birth: Brampton, Ontario
Furthest location travelled: been to both coasts in both Canada and through most the states... so I don't really know :?
Places you want to go: Japan, Germany, England, everywhere pretty much.
Spoken languages: English
Written Languages: English
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese
Hobbies: modeling and building mainly
Occupation:collections officer
Education: OSSD (Ontario secondary school diploma) with a certificate of endorsement for technological studies.
Favorite Movies:Lord of the Ring
Favorite Bands: no favorites, I listen to pretty much everything but country and folk.
Favorite Video Games: World of Warcraft
Ultimate Goal: get married and live a fairly calm life.

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Joined: July 11th, 2007 11:32 pm


Postby Trav_man » December 11th, 2008 5:52 pm

Name: :ninja: Travis "Travman" Carlson (I accidently spoke that nickname once in public and it stuck.)
Age: 26
Place of birth: St. Paul, MN, USA
Furthest location travelled: Been to both coasts in the USA although my work frequently takes me to VA and DC (guess who I work for :?: )
Places you want to go: JAPAN! I want to move to California since I'm sure Japan is out of the question for me (I've got a wife and 3 kids and I'm sure it would be hard to make enough to support them there, not to mention the culture shock for them)
Spoken languages: English/Japanese (DS J-Coach says I'm kindegartner level)
Written Languages: English/Japanese
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese
Hobbies: Learning Japanese, trying to play video games when I'm not raising my kids
Occupation: Electronic/Security/Radio Technician
Education: 2 Yr Tech Degree and lots of training provided by my employer
Favorite Movies: Hero, Dune, FF: Advent Children, Fearless, Princess Bride
Favorite Bands: Rise Against, NIN, Peter Gabriel, Queen, Entertainment System, The Advantage, TMBG, Smashing Pumpkins, Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts
Favorite Video Games: :mario: , Bubble Bobble, Starwinder, Mario Kart, Dr. Mario, Tetris, All the NES Mega Man games, World of Goo, CIVILIZATION!!! (Yeah!), AOE II
Ultimate Goal: Get married and have kids...wait a sec...teach my wife and kids Japanese.

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Postby jazzbeans » December 14th, 2008 6:11 pm

Name: Nila (said "Nyla") Jazz
Age: 18
Place of birth: Bristol, England, UK.
Furthest location travelled: Greece, I think.
Places you want to go: Norway, Japan, China, Thailand, Holland...
Spoken languages: English
Written Languages: English
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese (thinking about learning lojban though).
Hobbies: Listening to music/podcasts, learning Japanese, studying.
Occupation: A student.
Education: At college, studying philosophy, politics and business after having done sociology and law also.
Favorite Movies: Battle Royale, Swan Princess, Alice in Wonderland, Zoolander and Oldboy at the top of my head.
Favorite Bands: (+artists) the brilliant green, Shiina Ringo, Clazziquai, Bjork, Frank Sinatra.
Favorite Video Games: Most Mario games I've played, Chrono Trigger, Lost Odyssey, Tetris (<< I'm addicted) and Rayman III.
Ultimate Goal: To stay happy in life.

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Joined: December 22nd, 2008 3:39 pm

Postby a5s1h9itaka » January 7th, 2009 5:59 pm

Name: John-Ray G. Las Dulce
Age: 23
Place of birth: Mindoro, Philippines
Furthest location travelled: Philippines to Chicago, IL, USA
Places you want to go: Japan, Philippines,.. I'd like to visit as many places as I can.
Spoken languages: Engilsh, Intermediate Japanese, and can only understand Tagalog.
Written Languages: Engish, Tagalog, and some Japanese.
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese... later re-learning Tagalog.
Hobbies: Listening to Music, watching J-Doramas, hanging out w/ friends & family.
Occupation: Account Management Anaylist
Education: Part-time college student at the moment.
Favorite Movies: Mononoke-hime; Mr. & Mrs. Smith, my newest fav right now is Boku no Kanojo wa Cyborg.
Favorite Bands: kutsumeishi, Dohzi-t, Asian Kung-Fu Generation,.. I like all types of music.. (^_^)
Favorite Video Games: prince of persia, Metal Gear Solid Series,....
Ultimate Goal: to live & work in Japan


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Postby shooto » January 7th, 2009 9:58 pm

Name: Phil
Age: 28
Place of birth: Germany
Furthest location travelled: Japan/Okinawa
Places you want to go: Going back to Japan in March for a year
Spoken languages: English
Written Languages: English. Hiragana/Katakana some kanji
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese
Hobbies: Mixed Martial Arts, Japanese study, Keeping fit,
Occupation: Comms
Education: Engineering diploma
Favorite Movies: Don't have one
Favorite Bands: AC/DC, Zeppelin, SRV, Hendrix etc, also Jazz, heavy rock/metal and some dance music
Favorite Video Games: Mario kart Wii ! Japanese coach for DS I'm a 4th grader now !
Ultimate Goal: Be able to understand and partake in an intelligent discussion in Japanese. Long way off I think.

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Joined: August 28th, 2008 3:20 pm

Postby soccer_girl » January 9th, 2009 8:46 pm

Name: Stephanie
Age: 14
Place of birth: USA
Furthest location travelled: UK
Places you want to go: Anywhere in the world, really.
Spoken languages: English
Written Languages: English
Languages in the process of learning: Just Japanese, learning to read, write, and speak it.
Hobbies: Soccer, reading, spending time on the computer.
Occupation: None.
Education: None. I'm planning on going to college, but I'm not there yet, so... yeah.
Favorite Movies: No particular favorite.
Favorite Bands: No bands that I can think of, but I really like Utada Hikaru, Beni Arashiro, and Taylor Swift (lol genre change)
Favorite Video Games: Any Mario game and Kingdom Hearts.
Ultimate Goal: Learn how to use Japanese particles properly :lol:
Last edited by soccer_girl on June 30th, 2009 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: February 23rd, 2009 8:36 pm

Postby Blackwolfsblade » March 3rd, 2009 10:16 am

Name: Aran Eardley
Age: 17
Place of birth: Coventry,England
Furthest location travelled: Wales
Places you want to go: Japan, USA, Africa
Spoken languages: English
Written Languages: English
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese
Hobbies: Playing video games, watching anime, reading manga, drawing, listening to music and sports
Occupation: Student
Education: I'm doing a Btec in computing
Favorite Movies: Inside Man, Bucket List.
Favorite Bands: Metallica, The Answer, Zed Zeppelin, Akeboshi and lots of classic rock/blues bands.
Favorite Video Games: Call of Duty 4, FEAR, FEAR 2, Half Life games, L4D, TF2, GH:4, lots of FPS games, RPG.
Ultimate Goal: Go to Japan, learn Japanese and enjoy life.

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Joined: March 3rd, 2009 6:26 pm

Postby Hboleto » March 4th, 2009 12:39 pm

Hello Everyone !

Name: Hugo
Age: 26
Place of birth: Lisbon, Portugal
Furthest location traveled: Japan
Places you want to go: Japan (again :P), Australia, Iceland, Czech Republic
Spoken languages: Portuguese, English, some French
Written Languages: Portuguese, English, some French
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese
Hobbies: Iaido, Jodo and Scale modeling
Occupation: Computer Engineer
Education: Computer Engineering graduate
Favorite Movies: City of Angels, The Bucket List
Favorite Bands: None in particular, it varies
Favorite Video Games: Starcraft, Diablo, Guitar Hero, Final Fantasy 6/7/8, Suikoden, MGS4
Ultimate Goal: Attain fluency in Japanese. Reach as high as possible in Iaido and Jodo. Meet my other half.

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Postby Neil53 » March 4th, 2009 3:15 pm

Name: Neil
Age: 53
Place of birth: Utah, USA
Furthest location traveled: Japan
Places you want to go: Japan, England, Wales
Spoken languages: English, Japanese
Written Languages: Japanese
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese
Hobbies: Astronomy
Occupation: Environmental Scientist
Education: Biology
Favorite Movies: Man for All Seasons, Star Trek
Favorite Bands: Peter, Paul and Mary
Favorite Video Games: too old
Ultimate Goal: Attain fluency in Japanese. Retire and travel

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Postby Jessi » March 5th, 2009 9:14 am

Just thought I'd introduce myself here since I haven't yet!

Name: Jessi
Age: 24
Place of birth: Palo Alto, California, USA (but grew up near Santa Barbara)
Furthest location traveled: Japan
Places you want to go: Australia, Spain, Korea
Spoken languages: English, Japanese, Spanish
Written Languages: English, Japanese, Spanish
Languages in the process of learning: Japanese and Spanish. Language learning is a never ending quest :P
Hobbies:Listening to music, drawing, reading, karaoke
Occupation: JPOD Team Member
Education: Linguistics
Favorite Movies: Pixar movies (Cars, Finding Nemo, Toy Story...)
Favorite Bands: EXILE (not a band, but a group..)
Favorite Video Games: Final Fantasy series (up to 6), Secret of Mana, Panel de Pon
Ultimate Goal: Hmm... that's a good question! :wink:
♪ ♪ 好評配信中!
Leave us a message in the forum if you have any comments, questions, or feedback!

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Postby Hiroko » March 6th, 2009 2:10 am

Nothing really interesting about myself but here we go :)

Name: Hiroko
Age: 25
Place of birth: Fukuoka, Japan
Furthest location traveled: Canada
Places you want to go: Mexico, Israel, Turkey, Greece
Spoken languages: Japanese, English, Tagalog (only conversational)
Written Languages: Japanese, English
Languages in the process of learning: Spanish!
Hobbies: Cooking, singing, reading, taking photos
Education: Christian Counseling
Favorite Movies: Simon Birch, The Devil's own, ELF, Shrek!!
Favorite Bands: Nora Jones, Superfly
Favorite Video Games: not interested....
so instead.....
Favorite Books: Haruki Murakami, C.S.Lewis, Kenji Miyazawa
Ultimate Goal: Live life to the fullest.

Come visit at!

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Postby rachel_ » April 15th, 2009 4:03 pm

Name: Edyta
Age: 19
Place of birth: kraków, poland
Furthest location travelled: germany?:(
Places you want to go: japan, canada, australia, manyy
Spoken languages: polish, english
Written Languages: polish, english, (at school: french)
Languages in the process of learning: japanese, spanish
Hobbies: music, watching movies, meeting friends, sleeping:P , languages, taking photos, discussing:P
Occupation: almost student
Education:finish high school in two weeks;)
Favorite Movies: dzien swira.. manyy
Favorite Bands: i dont have fav bands, only songs
Favorite Video Games: sims?:D actually i dont play vg
Ultimate Goal: play violin, go to the university, master my japanese:)

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