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Naming scheme for podcasts

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Naming scheme for podcasts

Postby untmdsprt » August 8th, 2008 11:54 pm

Is it possible to have a consistent naming scheme for the podcasts? I'm setting up smart playlists in iTunes and want it to be updated automatically every time I sync with the JPod101 server feed.


sTeVe aUsTiN
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Postby sTeVe aUsTiN » August 9th, 2008 8:51 am

The file naming seems pretty consistent to me. Especially the recent lessons being marked by season.

How are you setting up your smart lists?

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Postby untmdsprt » August 9th, 2008 2:19 pm

Have done Beginner, Beginner S2, Beginner S3, Beginner S4.

Each one has the following:

Name contains Beginner

and one of the following:
Name contains S2
Name contains B3
Name contains S4

I've had to rename some of the files so they'll go into the right playlist. I'm downloading the premium feed.

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