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Put the grammar explanations as lyrics in the grammar track

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Put the grammar explanations as lyrics in the grammar track

Postby sashimidimsum7250 » May 19th, 2008 1:27 pm

There's supposed to be a "please" in the title, I just couldn't fit it. :lol:

Basically, I wish that the grammar explanations and sample sentences that go along with them would find themselves onto the lyrics section of the grammar-only track for future lessons.

I was actually almost expecting that to be case when listening to the grammar only track, and was surprised that hitting the middle button didn't show any text explanations to go along with it.

It would be even nicer if the grammar track had the whole contents of the pdf in it, but I'll be content with just the grammar explanations if that's not possible.

If you can make this happen, I'd be most happy :)

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Postby markystar » May 20th, 2008 4:12 am

eventually, this will be implemented. the grammar track is just an experiment in realtime. eventually there will be flash buttons in the grammar bank to every explanation of the point. won't be possible for a while, but it's planned.

right now tagging of each of the individual files is done manually and let me tell you, it takes A LOT of time. but soon this will be automated and the grammar track too, will have tags. i just ask your patience in the meantime while we continue developing it. 8)

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Joined: August 10th, 2007 4:21 am

Postby sashimidimsum7250 » May 20th, 2008 11:34 am

Marky-san, thank you for your response. I totally understand what you are saying, being in IT myself, I know things don't just happen overnight.
I will wait patiently in the meantime. Thanks again.

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