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Level Specific Feeds and More

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Level Specific Feeds and More

Postby markystar » March 18th, 2008 1:53 am

I'm so excited because we finally have it!! :shock:

One of the features that has been most requested has finally been implemented.

Newbies often just want to download Newbie Lessons.
Intermediate students just want Intermediate Lessons.
Some people only want PDF's and Dialog Tracks...

well, you get the point. :lol:

So now we added a new function to the Learning Center where you can create a specialized feed just for yourself!
You can choose what you want to download and what you don't want to download.
(I know that the "Get All" function of iTunes is 大変)

It's pretty much self-explanatory.

1. Just go to the Learning Center.
2. Click on My Feed.
3. Choose what you want and click the link and iTunes will automatically sync to your feed.

Here's the direct link: ... m_feed.php

To read more about it, check out the jp101 blog! ... 8/my-feed/

ENJOY!!! :oiwai:

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Postby jkid » March 29th, 2008 7:51 am

This feature is great but I don't think it should be a premium level subscription only thing. I really think it should be open to all Basic and Premium subscribers.

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Postby josiah » March 30th, 2008 1:52 am

the only problem i have with the new my feed
is that you have to download the
episodes again if you want to have them in my feed
is there a way to just transfer the tracks over?
cos for me who has
downloaded several hundred tracks already
the my feed is not very useful :cry:


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Postby markystar » March 31st, 2008 9:02 am

in your case, it might be easier to delete the old files and re-download them according the My Feed settings that you choose. 8)

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Postby josiah » April 1st, 2008 5:55 am

mmm... couldn't there be an easier way, rather than downloading everything again? :?


Expert on Something
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Postby josiah » April 2nd, 2008 12:59 am

i found a new problem with the 'myfeed'
when syncing to my ipod, if i have two myfeeds together,
when its syned to my ipod both feeds are mixed and become a combination
example, i have two feeds, intermediate, and upper intermediate,
if i sync both of them to my ipod,
then both of them get mixed and both feeds become identical when viewed on my ipod.

this is not a big problem, cos then why not sync just one?

well what if i want a feed which is just dialogue, and another which is just JCC?
these would both get mixed,
so i think this issue needs to be fixed,
maybe its as simple as being able to name the feeds
i dont know


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Postby markystar » April 2nd, 2008 2:13 am

well what if i want a feed which is just dialogue, and another which is just JCC?

aren't they still groupable by the Smart Playlists function?

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