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Should Romaji be taken off future Podcasts?

Moderators: Moderator Team, Admin Team

Should all romaji be banned from past, present and future podcasts?

Yes, with immediate effect
Yes, hoever progressivly on newbie and begginer lessons
No, we need romaji
Total votes: 24

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Postby Belton » January 20th, 2008 8:18 pm

A ban on romaji is something a textbook can do or a teacher in their class.

And I think it's a good idea. romaji is a bit of a crutch. It's better to come to grips with kana as soon as possible. I'd go further and say kanji should be used as soon as possible as well; even if only as kanji with furigana.

My vote would be for a single text above beginner level that uses large type and has easily readable furigana over the kanji. I believe this is a bit difficult in the pdfs but not impossible.

However maybe jPod101 has to reach as wide an audience as possible and part of that audience prefers romaji.
If it bothers you don't read it and concentrate on the kana and kanji passages instead.
If romaji remains at least there is a choice.

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relying on romaji

Postby JonB » January 21st, 2008 2:57 am

produces some truely hideous pronounciation of words!

With my original text book - Japanese For Busy People - they have two texts, one in kana and the oher in romaji and I am very grateful to my second teacher on insisting on using the kana book. So much so she bought it for me to replace my original kana version...
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