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nengajou card questions

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wasn't messing with the rats

Postby JonB » December 25th, 2007 2:11 am

Just pointing out why you might see quite a lot.

I'm a horse too - fire horse at that so stand back!!!

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Postby jemstone » December 25th, 2007 4:09 am

i never knew my element... =(

when the rat comes, which element will it be? i may wanna draw something to symbolize that element as well...
- まもる

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Postby markystar » December 25th, 2007 6:27 pm

72 rat here!!!

it's funny tho, the chinese becomes rat in english...
but in japanese it's 鼠 (ねずみnezumi) which means mouse or rat. but the japanese have a good image of it with a short tail, so they usually refer to it as mouse.

but i'm a scorpitarius (Sagittarius on the last of Scorpio), which is aggressive, so.... maybe that's more of a rat... what do you guys think?

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Postby jemstone » December 26th, 2007 10:08 am

jemstone wrote:i never knew my element... =(

when the rat comes, which element will it be? i may wanna draw something to symbolize that element as well...

i just checked wikipedia... this coming year is Earth Rat! =D

also checked my own birth sign... i'm an Earth Horse! heh

markystar wrote:72 rat here!!!

markystar is a Water Rat!
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Postby mtpiper » January 2nd, 2008 7:51 pm

jemstone wrote:i'm thinking of making a nengajou card for a japanese couple from my church too! maybe i'll write the standard あけまして おめでと ございます.. and maybe "see you next year!"

I know it's now a little late for your nengajou, but on the cards I sent to friends in Japan, I included "God bless you": かみさまのしゅくふくをおいのりしています
They are either Chritians or know that I am, and a Japanese friend here in the states said that it would be cool to include that on the card in addition to the normal greetings.


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Postby jemstone » January 3rd, 2008 3:36 am

that's a cool line to put in... =D i haven't given it to them yet coz on the 1st of January they weren't in church.

i wonder if i gave them the card this sunday, will it still be considered nengajou...

heck, i'll just write and give them the card anyway. =D
- まもる

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i think the nengajo season

Postby JonB » January 4th, 2008 12:10 am

goes on a bit! My wife just posted another lot due to the cards she received and did not send to people in the first place!

I don't think that it has been mentioned but in Japan if you buy the nengajo through the post office you get a lottery number on each card and then around February they announce the winning numbers. I guess this is why cards go on for a bit as if someone has given you a chance then you want to recipricate...

Also an update on themese - kids, kids, kids!

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Postby Ulver_684 » January 17th, 2008 4:42 am

Mina-sama! :wink:

Rats don't lie they say the truth! :D

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