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At the salon

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At the salon

Postby kklatka » September 18th, 2007 3:54 am

I am living in Japan, and I am still at the very beginner stages of Japanese. I want to get a haircut, and could really use some vocabulary help. I want to be able to say, "I want my hair cut like this picture, but not so short." Could you post something about this?

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Postby markystar » September 25th, 2007 1:30 am

such a lesson is a good idea. other people have mentioned it before, actually.
i'll add it to our lesson to-do-list!! :niwatori:

if you're at the beginning stages of studying, but you do have a photo.
the easiest thing to do is just point at the picture and say
”これにします” "kore ni shimasu" - literally, "i'll have this."
it's not the most elegant sentence, but it should get the point across clearly.
"not so short" is a bit trickier.
"そんなに短くしないでください" "sonna ni mijikaku shinai de kudasai"
"please don't make it so short"

hope this helps in the meantime!


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Postby annie » September 25th, 2007 12:40 pm

even if you had fluent japanese, if you have western hair you're far better off going to a stylist who has overseas experience or at least extensive experience with western hair.

japanese stylists do strange things with thinning shears and razor blades.

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Postby jemstone » September 26th, 2007 3:49 pm

mm... i think there was once i went to a hair stylist... after reading what annie posted, he might have been trained in japan or something. he wasn't using a pair of scissors. he was using like a piece of razor blade or something and was like pulling and shaving my hair.

it was pretty interesting to see him do it, but quite tense when he was doing the same thing with my hair though. heh.

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Postby annie » September 27th, 2007 3:37 am

jemstone wrote:mm... i think there was once i went to a hair stylist... after reading what annie posted, he might have been trained in japan or something. he wasn't using a pair of scissors. he was using like a piece of razor blade or something and was like pulling and shaving my hair.

it was pretty interesting to see him do it, but quite tense when he was doing the same thing with my hair though. heh.

that's exactly what they do here... one of my friends freaked out when the stylist started dropping her hair over the razor blade, in what looked like a haphazard manner.

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Postby jemstone » September 27th, 2007 7:48 am

yes yes yes!! it looks very haphazard! like he's doing it randomly!

while the results were quite good.. it was really quite an experience!

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Postby markystar » October 1st, 2007 2:36 am

i love getting my haircut in japan. they totally pamper you. they give you a massage and everything! :cool:

also, an update on this lesson idea.
i just checked out the script. it's gonna be a 3 parter!!
1 for guys, 1 for girls and 1 for...... :ninja:


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Postby annie » October 1st, 2007 9:37 am

markystar wrote:i love getting my haircut in japan. they totally pamper you. they give you a massage and everything! :cool:

also, an update on this lesson idea.
i just checked out the script. it's gonna be a 3 parter!!
1 for guys, 1 for girls and 1 for...... :ninja:


is that a ninja icon?

unfortunately i don't think i can wait for the lesson
i need a hair cut now.

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Postby markystar » October 1st, 2007 9:39 am

me too, i'm getting a bit shaggy :shock:

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Postby jemstone » October 1st, 2007 1:49 pm

and my hair is all messed up too! unfortunately i need to wait till after my exams... gotta concentrate on studies now... =(

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Postby Javizy » October 1st, 2007 8:07 pm

There is a haircut related lesson where Take says 'do it like this picture' - Lower Intermediate 31 - Haircut.

There's only really one or two lines that will help you though; I can't imagine any lesson covering every eventuality. Even though I find myself able to say more and more things, I know that if I try speaking to someone they'll use a word or some grammar that I don't know, and I'll be a bit :shock: あっ英語で話しましょう...

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Re: At the salon

Postby Ulver_684 » November 7th, 2007 2:15 am

kklatka wrote:I am living in Japan, and I am still at the very beginner stages of Japanese. I want to get a haircut, and could really use some vocabulary help. I want to be able to say, "I want my hair cut like this picture, but not so short." Could you post something about this?

kklatka-san! :wink:

There is another topic about hair cut words here: ... php?t=1381

Follow the process just has they mention about or Javizy-san link is also very helpful too! :orz: 8)

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