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Accomodating a visitor

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Accomodating a visitor

Postby Fedgrub » September 30th, 2007 1:24 am

I was curious, when you go over to see a friend in Japan, is it rude to ask if they could accomodate you? I dont know the standard house layout is all. Is it the same if you were good friends with someone in the Western world?

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I think that it depends

Postby JonB » September 30th, 2007 2:53 am

If they can they will probably offer to put you up if you say that you are coming over. But if you are visiting friends in a major urban area like Tokyo or Osaka it is probable that they would not have space. If they are younger and not living with parents they are probably living in a 1 room apartment and would probably feel uncomfortable you seeing it.

If they are out of town then they will probably offer to put you up from what I have heard.

If they do offer to put you up remember to take a gift - this is a big deal.

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Postby Fedgrub » September 30th, 2007 4:06 am

Thanks for the advice dude. They are living in Ibaraki, I don't know how large that city is. Do you know the general house size for that area?

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Postby annie » September 30th, 2007 6:39 am

I've stayed with friends in 1K apartments before.

It's hard to say what a typical house size is... I have friends living in 1 room apartments in Ibaraki, and other friends living in houses in Tokyo.

Your best bet is to ask for recommendations of places to stay near your friend. Then if they want to offer up their house then there's that opportunity.

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Postby Fedgrub » September 30th, 2007 6:47 am

Thanks for the advice. I did what you reccomended and she offered me to stay at her house.

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Postby Fedgrub » September 30th, 2007 6:48 am

Now I just have to decide what is a good present to buy someone? I don't want to undervalue it or overvalue it...

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