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Apart from Japanese, which language would you like to learn?

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The Frankensteiner
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Apart from Japanese, which language would you like to learn?

Postby The Frankensteiner » April 27th, 2006 6:03 pm

For me it'd have to be German.
I know some people don't like the sound of it because it seems harsh and abrupt, but I've always loved the way it sounds. Maybe if I ever get this Japanese thing down I'll move on to German.

What about you guys?
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Postby esp » April 27th, 2006 6:37 pm

I'd really like to learn Italian. It's such a beautiful language.

Apart from Italian i'd like to learn
Tibetan (don't know why it just looks fascinating)
and Improve my Spanish and French

but I doubt i'd be able to become fluent in all those, i'd probably choose Italian and Russian from that list to learn unless I win the lottery so that I can spend the rest of my life learning languages and travelling

The Frankensteiner
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Postby The Frankensteiner » April 27th, 2006 7:04 pm

Haha, now wouldn't that be a dream come true? :)

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Postby esp » April 27th, 2006 7:23 pm

The Frankensteiner wrote:Haha, now wouldn't that be a dream come true? :)

Definately, getting paid to do it would be great too :D

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Postby Ersby » April 27th, 2006 10:22 pm

Chinese and French, only because they sound nice. And German and Gaelic, too.

As it is, I've got enough on my plate with Japanese and Italian.

I've often wondered what's the least number of languages that would give you the most people to talk to. My guess is that English, Mandarin Chinese, French, Spanish and Arabic would cover an awful lot of the globe.

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Postby kinoko » April 28th, 2006 12:42 am

I want to major in linguistics in college... so I definitely want to become fluent in lots of different languages. I'm working on Filipino, Spanish, German, and of course, Japanese mostly right now... But I want to also learn Kinaray-a, Mandarin Chinese, French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Latin, Biblical Hebrew and Koine Greek. I know it'll take a long time, but I think it's possible if my living'll be made from it... :lol:

I think Hawaiian is fascinating, too, but I don't think I could ever use it very much, though. :?
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Postby helen » April 28th, 2006 1:47 am

My degree is French and German and I want to get my Japanese to the same level as those, but I have a longggg way to go. I've learnt bits of Swedish and Norwegian and I'll go back to those some time, and I did some Spanish and Russian at college but to a really basic level, so I wouldn't mind improving those. I'd like to learn as many as possible really. All are interesting!

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Postby Christeos_Pir » April 28th, 2006 2:03 am

Arabic. And with my major (religious studies), it would be useful, too.

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Postby Squallman » April 28th, 2006 5:08 am

I've taken 4 years of German, I've been learning Japanese for about 2 years and Chinese for about 6 months. Those are really the three that I want to learn. I'll probably eventually learn French and Spanish, but really, I'd rather be very good at three languages (besides English) than just good at 5 or 6.

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Postby Brugg » April 28th, 2006 4:15 pm

Spanish and German, and perhaps someday a Chinese language. Actually I've studied both German and Spanish at school, but I'm very far from fluency. I studied German for about six years in elementary school, but the teachers weren't very good, and I hated it, even the sound. Now I'm starting to like it again, and even though I don't remember much, I would probably learn quite fast i made a conscious effort, or went to Berlin, as i might do in the not too distant future. The last three years I've been studing Spanish at school (I'm 19 now), but unfortunately, it has suffered under my desire to learn Japanese. :mrgreen: But I'm really beginning to like stydying languages in general, and I hope to become fairy proficent in the ones mentioned here over time, probably excluding Chinese.

The Frankensteiner
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Postby The Frankensteiner » April 28th, 2006 4:33 pm

German seems to be a popular one. More so than I expected. That's pretty cool.

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Postby Jason » April 28th, 2006 4:38 pm

I used to be very into studying languages up until about a year ago. Then computer music kinda stole most of my attention. But before that I studied Spanish, Latin, Greek, Biblical Hebrew, and Japanese (er, duh). But Japanese is the only one of those I'm actually still functional in.
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Postby tintinium » May 15th, 2006 11:25 pm

Ersby wrote:I've often wondered what's the least number of languages that would give you the most people to talk to. My guess is that English, Mandarin Chinese, French, Spanish and Arabic would cover an awful lot of the globe.

That's easy:
English, Mandarin, Spanish.
If you can speak these 3, you can speak to about 90% of people. So, I'd LOVE to learn Mandarin. Spanish is relatively easy if you have any skills in a latin language.

Probably followed closely by Hindi.

French isn't really that useful, except in learning Spanish.

Btw, if you learn Japanese, Korean will be a much smaller step to learn.

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Postby LBRapid » May 16th, 2006 12:56 am

Italian and Mandarin are also on my list..

i have been taking spanish for four years but am hardly fluent :)

Languages are soo much fun tho
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Postby ecarliz » May 16th, 2006 11:25 pm

for me it would be Chinese (Mandarin) and German, Im fluent in English and Spanish (well dont know if I should count spanish cause its my mother tongue) but right now I still need to improve my japanese, its good, but not fluent. Sometimes I think if I wait to get fluent in japanese to start learning another language, it would probably take me forever, so thats why I just started studying a little mandarin

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