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EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » December 18th, 2014 3:37 am

Yuki 先生、

I'm glad that you expressed our thoughts in common ! :lol:
It might sound so easy and natural to say but it is definitely a great encouragement especially when it comes from you ^^

I was still かなり busy lately so I couldn't perfectly finish off as many lessons as usual :shock:

December 11 to 17

121 (~23)

I need to find a short text online to translate as promised.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » December 18th, 2014 6:33 pm

Hi everyone !

So I've chosen the first page of this article (September 2014) from a website about the most selected destination by tourists in Japan.

Too bad I can't upload screenshots here !

I will try my best to translate it soon. I know that the texts look really really long (especially compared to last time), but I think that given I'm almost completely done with 75% of the 170-lesson from the Beginner S1, I should be able to do the job (My guess is that by the end of the season I should have a level between the JLPT 4 and 3 if I count in some miscellaneous vocab and grammar points I've learned here and there.

See you guys later ! ^^





















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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » December 19th, 2014 6:54 pm

Here are the vocab words that I listed.

Should be alright for people who went as far as I did so far.
Boy, it took me so long lol



観光地 (かんこうち): tourist attraction, sight-seeing area
第一位 (だいいちい): first place
伏見稲荷 (ふしみいなり):Fushimi Inari shrine (god of harvests)
とは : indicates word of phrase being defined = 何 (used with である)


神社(じんじゃ): Shinto shrine
発表 (はっぴょう) : announcement, publication, statement
発表する : to announce, to state
スポット: spot
において: at the time / place / state A (kind of a formal way to say で)
大社(たいしゃ): grand shrine, famous shrine
見事(みごと): (here) utter, total, complete (esp. Defeat) / splendid, magnificent
選ばれる(えらばれる): to be elected / chosen.
近年(きんねん): recent years
観光客(かんこうきゃく): tourist
増える(ふえる): to increase, to grow
ますます: increasingly, more and more / decreasingly, less and less
高まる(たかまる): to rise, to swell, to be promoted
見所(みどころ): point worthy of note, highlight
含める(ふくめる): (here) to include (in a group or scope) 


口コミ(くちこみ): (here) comment on an internet forum or web page / word of mouth
運営(うんえい): management, administration, operation
運営する: to operate
投稿(とうこう): contribution, submission, posting (eg. mailing list)
評価(ひょうか): rating, evaluation, valuation, estimation, assessment
集計(しゅうけい): totalization, aggregation, tally (eg. Votes)
をもとに / をもとにして : A as a basis for B / based on 


挙げる:to bring up (a topic), to cite
豪華 (ごうか): luxurious, wonderful, gorgeous, splendor, pomp, extravagance
鳥居(とりい): Torii, Shinto shrine archway
絶景(ぜっけい): superb view, picturesque scenery
訪れる(おとずれる): to visit, to call on
数(かず): number
数ある : numerous, many
となる : to become, to amount to
並ぶ(ならぶ): to line up, to stand in a line / to rival, to match, to equal
光景 ( こうけい): scene, spectacle, sight, view
絶賛(ぜっさん): high praise, great admiration, rave reviews
寄せる(よせる): (here) to deliver (opinion, news), to send (eg. a letter), to contribute, to donate


金閣(きんかく): Zen buddhist temple in Kyoto (gold + tower / palace)
清水(しみず): spring water
抑える (おさえる): (here?) to gain control of something / to keep down / to suppress / to determine (important points)
朱(しゅ): vermilion / cinnabar / scarlet / red / bloody
魔界(まかい): world of spirits, hell
神秘性(しんぴせい): mystique


にとって : for, concerning, as far as ... is concerned, regarding
と言えば(といえば): speaking of
先に(さきに): (here) ahead
銀閣寺(ぎんかくじ): silver + palace + buddhist temple
浮かぶ(うかぶ): (here) to come to mind, to have inspiration / to float 



無数(むすう): countless number, innumerable
そびえる : to rise, to tower, to soar 
総(そう): general, whole, all, full, total
本宮(ほんぐう): main shrine
本殿(ほんでん):main shrine, inner sanctuary
全体(ぜんたい): whole, entirety, whatever (is the matter)
信仰(しんこう): faith, belief, creed
対象(たいしょう): target / object (of worship, study) / subject (of taxation)


みっしり: strictly, severely / fully / closely, tightly
連なる(つらなる): to stand in a row, to stretch out, to extend
トンネル : tunnel
のように : like, similar to / as with, in the same way
千本鳥居(せんぼんとりい): Torii corridor (many Torii)
だらけ : covered all over (eg. with blood) / implying (negatively) that something is full of (eg. mistakes)




と言われる (といわれる): to be called, to be referred as 
である : to be (non authoritative / neutral / official tone)
世界遺産(せかいいさん): World Cultural and Natural Heritage (UNESCO)
押しのける(おしのける): to push aside, to brush aside
法人(ほうじん): corporate body, corporation (legal) person, (juridical) person
広報(こうほう): public relations, PR
広報担当者(こうほうたんとうしゃ): person in charge of public relations, PR Manager
朱色(しゅいろ): vermilion, scarlet
連綿(れんめん): unbroken, uninterrupted, on and on, continuous
連綿不断(れんめんふだん): long and uninterrupted (unbroken)
神秘さ(しんぴさ): mysteriousness, secret
分析(ぶんせき): analysis
分析する : to analyze


外国版(がいこくばん): foreign version
ガイドブック : guidebook
掲載(けいさい): publication (eg. article in paper) / insertion
掲載する : to insert (eg. an article), to carry (an article), to post (eg. On the web)
目を引く(めをひく): to attract notice, to catch the eye, to stand out
ようだ : (here) seeming to be, appearing to be
早朝(そうちょう): early morning
夜半(やはん): midnight, dead of night
参拝(さんぱい): visit to a shrine or a temple, paying homage at a shrine
魅力(みりょく): charm, fascination, attraction, appeal
の一つ (のひとつ): one of
という: (here) as many as, as much as



わずか / 僅か : only, merely, (a) little
駅前(えきまえ): in front of station
すぐに : instantly, immediately
参道(さんどう): road approaching a shrine
繋がる(つながる) : to be tied together, to be connected to, to be related to
絶好(ぜっこう): best, ideal, perfect
立地(りっち): site, location
立地条件(りっちじょうけん): condition of location, site condition
要因(よういん): main cause, primary factor
独特(どくとく): peculiarity, uniqueness, characteristic
雰囲気(ふんいき): atmosphere, mood, ambience, ambiance
雰囲気を壊す(こわす): to spoil the mood
という点(というてん): that (specific) point




実際に(じっさいに): really / practically, in practice / currently, presently
呼ぶ(よぶ): to call out, to call, to invoke
順位(じゅんい): order, rank, position
外す(はずす): to leave, to remove / to unfasten, to undo
なぜなら:because, the reason is, if you want to know why
どんなところにも : any place
似る(にる): to resemble, to look like, to be alike
唯一無二(ゆいいつむに): one and only, unique
山頂(さんちょう): summit
連れる(つれる): to lead, to take a person
穏やか(おだやか): calm, gentle, quiet
朱い(=赤い=あかい): red, Red (communist)
色合い(いろあい): hue, tinge, tint
平和(へいわ): peace, harmony




約(やく): approximately
基(き): counter for machine
道中(どうちゅう): along the way, journey
茶屋(ちゃや): tea house, tea dealer
ビュースポット: view spot
参る(まいる): (here) to visit (a shrine, grave) / to be madly in love
休憩する: to take a break
適する(てきする): to fit, to suit
風景(ふうけい): scenery, scene, landscape, view, sight
移り変わり(うつかわり): change (eg. Season)
魅力的(みりょくてき): charming, fascinating, attractive
何千(なんぜん): many thousands
何万(なんまん): tens of thousands of years
列(れつ): file, row, column
永遠(えいえん): eternity, perpetuity, immortality, permanence
あたり/ 辺り: neighborhood, vicinity, nearby 
Last edited by ec2953 on December 21st, 2014 2:50 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » December 19th, 2014 8:36 pm

Finally done with my 2nd translation ! Gee, it certainly took me at the very least 7 hours to do the work and write everything down on my computer ...

It goes without saying that I am not confident at all with some parts and that anyone who could help me or correct my sentences are more than very welcome. It would be a great exercise for you guys as well ! I will highlight later the parts that caused me some troubles :wink:

The first touristic place in Japan selected by foreigners !
What is the secret of the popularity of the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto?


Everyone, do you know in which manner is the “Fushimi Inari” in Kyoto the most popular place among foreigners?
Trip Advisor announced that The Fushimi Inari was crushingly selected as the top place in “The Most Popular Japanese Sight-seeing Spots Among Foreigners In 2014”.
In recent years, the number of foreign visitors surged. What is the secret of the Fushimi Inari which popularity is more and more increasing?
We are going to introduce the Fushimi Inari including some interesting points about it.


Trip Advisor which administrates the comments related to travels has published the “Tourist Spots in Japan” which is popular among foreigners. Based on the aggregation of the ratings from comments written in foreign language that were sent to the website throughout a year from April 2013 to March 2014, the first place was granted to the Fushimi Inari (Kyoto) as a result.
「伏見稲荷大社」を挙げた人からは「(伏見稲荷大社は)とても豪華だった。頂上まで赤い鳥居が続く景色は本当に素晴らしい絶景だった」 / 「京都で訪れた数ある場所の中でも伏見稲荷は特にお気に入りの場所となった」 など、京都の数ある観光スポットの中でも、鳥居の並ぶ光景に絶賛の声が寄せられました。

For the people who cited the Fushimi Inari, that grand shrine was luxurious.
The view of the red Torii lining up to the peak was an absolutely beautiful picturesque scenery.
Among the fact that “the Fushimi Inari became a particularily pleasant place amongst the numerous places (I) visited in Kyoto”, voices acclaiming the scenes found in Kyoto's numerous touristic area that rivaled the one of the Torii were made (delivered).

The reason that the Kinkaku and the spring waters throne as number 1 popular place among foreigners is the mysteriousness of the “Red and Green World of Spirits” .  

As Japanese people, speaking of Kyoto, what comes in mind first when thinking about the Kinkaku and Ginkaku temples (Gold and Silver Towers) is in fact the Fushimi Inari grand shrine.  



What are these places of the Fushimi Inari exactly?

The grand shrine of the Fushimi Inari in Kyoto, Japan where countless Toriis are rising.
There's the (Sou? Principal) main shrine (representive ?) of the Inari temples that are present in the entire country, and the whole set of Inari mountains (Inariyama) from the inner sanctuary that is becoming a symbol of faith.

The Torii corridor that resembles a tunnel of Toriis that are standing up closely to each other is famous in dramas and mangas among other things, but there are also other places where we can find shrines “covered” of Toriis.




There's a principal (?) main shrine called “O-inari-san” which represents (??) the whole country's 30 thousand shrines.

The reasons why it is adored by foreign tourists.

Thrusting / pushing aside (??) the world heritage / Putting apart the fact that it is a world heritage (??), the Fushimi Inari grand shrine received the first place. Regarding this matter (?), the PR manager of the Japanese legal corporate body from Trip Advisor analyzed and found out that there is many people who are moved by the mysteriousness of the scenery of the long and uninterrupted line of vermillion Toriis that stretch out to the top of the mountain.


It appears that the images that have been inserted in the international version of the guidebook stood out, however one of the charms is that we can as well freely visit the shrine in the early morning or in the middle of the night.



It is only 2 stations from the Kyoto JR station. It appears that one of the main reason of its popularity is also the ideal condition of the location: it is related to the fact that you can directly get on the road that leads to the shrine on foot from the front of the station.

“The unique atmosphere surrounding the Kyoto JR station is good” (a Thai). On the net, the point of being “Free” was also apparently very well rated.




Telling to the world how popular it is from the comments (??)

The actual voice of the foreign tourists who visited the Fushimi Inari.

Popularity that was called out in the online comments also played a role in this time's ranking.
We cannot miss/ put aside (??) that place. The reason being that it doesn't look like any other place we saw during the journey. It is a unique location.
People who go to the top of the mountain are scarce, so there is a very peasible sensation there. We can feel the heart of the Japanese peace through the tinge of the redness of the Toriis and the green color of the mountains.




The highlights of the Fushimi Inari

Speaking of the grand shrine of the Fushimi Inari, there is about 5000 Toriis forming up the Torii corridor that stand up in line to the summit of the Torii mountain。
We can not only find a tea house on the way but also view spots, which is good for a visit of the shrine or for a rest. The change of scenery is also fascinating !

It looks like columns of Toriis of thousands or ten of thousands years of age that are standing in line without end to the top of the mountain. Because there is almost no people coming, the vicinity is a calm world of scarlet color.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » December 22nd, 2014 1:08 am

Comment from:

LESSON 123 (Driving in Circles - Beginner S1)

DECEMBER 19TH, 2014 AT 12:04 AM

Hello there, hope that all is well !

I’ve got a question regarding the meaning of 一緒 in “おまえいつも出すの一緒だよな”.
It is kind of similar to いつも出すの(こと)は同じ?

Furthermore, what is the nuance in the last sentence when から is added?


I can clearly understand なんだ but not 100% why から is used. Is it because something like “they are so childish … the reason being that guys are so simple so this is not unexpected” is implied but omitted ?

Thank you =D

DECEMBER 21ST, 2014 AT 8:20 PM

ec2953 さん、
Regarding the first question, yes that 一緒 means 同じ.

The second から means ‘because’.
That is a kind of ‘omission’.
A full sentence can be 男は単純なんだから, ジャンケンで道を決めて嫌だ.

Yuki 由紀
Last edited by ec2953 on December 22nd, 2014 3:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » December 22nd, 2014 3:08 am

It's been exactly two months since I signed up for an account on and started from the first lesson of the Beginner series. I think that it should be time for me to start writing a bit in Japanese on my very own.


Lesson 125 (Fishy Advice - Beginner S1)の中に入ってる「たいぎょはこざかなをくう」って「今日はいいねたが入ってるか」を考えさせるものだ。


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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby community.japanese » December 22nd, 2014 8:11 am

ec2953 san,
I think that’s a good idea of writing your own thought in Japanese. :D
Here is the correction.
Lesson 125 (Fishy Advice - Beginner S1)の中に入ってる「たいぎょはこざかなをくう」というものと「今日はいいねたが入ってるか」には考えさせられました。

If you use ていただけませんか you should use the politeness level.
The register you used is sometimes really polite and sometimes really casual…

Yuki 由紀

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » December 23rd, 2014 3:13 am

Yuki Sensei,

Wow ! Thanks so much for your support and your help, again ! If I could I would have personally sent you Christmas chocolates for your kindness :lol:


I wonder how the team is going to celebrate X-mas in Tokyo ^.^

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » December 23rd, 2014 3:15 am

December 18 - 22

134 (~15)

Slowly but steadily~

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby community.japanese » December 23rd, 2014 5:36 am

ec2953 さん、
私はチョコレートが大好きです。 :kokoro:
Christmas is not a holiday in Japan so it’s same as a normal day unfortunately.
That is a nonreligious and commercial event.
Christmas decollations are everywhere however, they are taken off early morning on 26th of December and New Years decollations are replaced.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 6th, 2015 1:34 am

Hello ! It's been a while since the last time I posted my progress ^.^

I took a break for winter vacation and I guess this can't harm too much my brain by allowing it to rest a bit =)

Happy New Year anyone by the way n_n ! I hope the teams could enjoy it and spend a great time altogether all the same !
Do you have holiday decorations in the office? :D

チョコレートを食べたい場合は、ご住所を教えてくれませんか 笑★

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 6th, 2015 1:36 am

Monday, January 5, 2015

136 (~24)

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 6th, 2015 2:19 am

Hello again everyone !

I just found a very interesting paper regarding the difference and misuse of から and ので by learners and even some teachers. I think this might help people to distinguish the two words ! The principal explanations are in the last pages ("Solution")

Here's the link:

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby community.japanese » January 6th, 2015 8:14 am

ec2953 san,
By the way that article looks interesting so I will read it later.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: EC2953 の Progress (Beginner)

Postby ec2953 » January 9th, 2015 4:15 pm

Hello everyone, hello Yuki sensei ...

I think I am going to slow down my studies for a little while. I am now actually living in Paris and many of the recent events occurred very close to places I know well or where some of my family members live.

I do not feel really safe right now as things are getting really hot in my district.

I think that my concentration is suffering from this rampant violence that is spreading everywhere in France.

Will update more info soon, if any.

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