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the sooner the better

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the sooner the better

Postby robert5153 » July 4th, 2010 2:28 pm

日本語ではどうやって "the sooner the better" とか "the more orders we get, the more money we make" などという意味を表すのでしょうか?面白いレッソンだなと思います。そんなレッソンあったのですか?だったら、どれでしょうか?なかったら、良いレッソンのグラマーポイントでしょうかね。

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Postby QuackingShoe » July 4th, 2010 4:46 pm ... -8/?ref=sa

ほど is useful for these 'to the degree that something happens, something else happens to the same degree' expressions. But "The sooner the better" is a bit idiomatic, and in some instances would be better served with a different construction.

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Postby robert5153 » July 4th, 2010 4:51 pm

But "The sooner the better" is a bit idiomatic, and in some instances would be better served with a different construction.

That's exactly my point. I'm wonder what that different construction might be.[/quote]

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