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Make material more accessible

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Make material more accessible

Postby chris666 » March 8th, 2010 3:01 pm


You have so many excellent lessons available, but it is difficult to find the right on. The "where I should start" page isn't up to date at all. The lessons are renamed. Newer seasons are not mentioned at all.

After listening to Newbie lesson S2 and S3 it took days until I figured out that I should go on with Beginner lesson S4. In the first lesson S4 Peter mentioned that you should have listened to the previous to seasons - but which ones Beginner S2 and S3 ??? Since You no longer use Nihongo Dojo in the lesson titles it's really difficult to say.


Jessi Team Member
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Joined: November 25th, 2007 9:58 am

Postby Jessi » March 9th, 2010 12:40 am


Thank you for your feedback!
We agree that with all of the series we have, it can hard to find things :( But to let you in on a secret, we are actually working on redesigning the site right now :) Hopefully when it's done, it will be much easier to access the material and find what you are looking for. We will also have a brand new "Where to start" page as well.
Thanks again!!
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