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Can someone change the lesson number of Lower Intermediate?

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Can someone change the lesson number of Lower Intermediate?

Postby watermen » January 12th, 2008 7:57 pm

Even tough it has been reported...but it is not should be 56 and not 57....

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Postby kitty-chan » January 13th, 2008 5:06 am

Does it really matter so much? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Postby watermen » January 13th, 2008 7:06 am

kitty-chan wrote:Does it really matter so much? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Becos it messes up my iTunes numbering....certainly, it messes up the whole numbering system as well. Please change it to the correct one.

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Postby watermen » January 17th, 2008 1:41 pm

Why is Jpod101 not rectifying the number? May someone explain?

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Postby watermen » January 19th, 2008 2:57 pm

I still don't understand why this question is never been answered? I think it is pretty rude of Jpod101 not to answer subscriber questions. :evil: :twisted:

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Postby Psy » January 20th, 2008 12:05 am

I've never really understood this either. Sometimes a lesson number is skipped and there's no clear indication as to why-- perhaps a script got dropped at the last minute, or a lesson was recorded that will never see the virtual airwaves. Or it could, of course, just be a typo.

It seems a pretty trivial thing to correct, all things said.
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Postby watermen » January 20th, 2008 3:59 pm

Psy wrote:I've never really understood this either. Sometimes a lesson number is skipped and there's no clear indication as to why-- perhaps a script got dropped at the last minute, or a lesson was recorded that will never see the virtual airwaves. Or it could, of course, just be a typo.

It seems a pretty trivial thing to correct, all things said.

It may looks like a pretty trivial thing, but it does affect the numbering in iTunes. It looks like something is missing. I don't understand why no one from Jpod101 come out and explain?

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Postby jemstone » January 22nd, 2008 1:20 am

my guess is that the number is incremental and that there might be a lesson that was made but they decided it was no good for some reason or another, and came up with a new one to "sort of" replace it.

it makes sense (maybe just to me coz i'm working in the IT industry) on their part and to m as well to replace the lesson but not reuse the number because the number is tagged to the unreleased lesson.

the unreleased lesson is probably archived somewhere for future reference.

just my two cents worth.

*it makes sense (maybe just to me coz i'm working in the IT industry) on their part and to me as well...
Last edited by jemstone on January 22nd, 2008 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby watermen » January 22nd, 2008 1:37 am

I just don't understand why no one from Jpod101 come out to explain. Not even a thank you was said. At least I am trying to help to improve Jpod101. I just find this very rude and unacceptable.

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Postby markystar » January 22nd, 2008 2:18 am

I just find this very rude and unacceptable.

watermenさん、no one is trying to be rude to you. and i apologize if think so. as i've said before, there are just a few of us here and i'm pretty much the only one who is active in the forum. also, I'm publishing each lesson, so i'm probably the only one here to explain it. お待たせいたしました。

I don't understand why no one from Jpod101 come out and explain?

sorry about this. i didn't explain because i didn't have time to. but here goes.

the fact is changing the numbering is no small task.

it involves changing the the number in our backend, which changes the file name and all the related links. this updates the number on the PDF and on the lesson title, but it breaks all the links on the website connected to that lesson. next i have to rename the actual audio files (lesson, dialog track, bonus track, combo track, review track and video vocab). then i'll re-tag the audio files (lesson, dialog track, bonus track, combo track, review track and video vocab). the next step is adding the lyrics information. for a Lower Intermediate lesson that means adding Hiragana and Translation to the lesson file; Kanji, Hiragana, Romaji, Translation to the Bonus, Dialog, Combo Files; Review material to the Review track. at this point i can delete the old lesson off the server and re-upload the new files. Next, in Word Press i'll rename all the links and re-confirm they work as well as rename the lesson title. at this point i can re-publish the lesson. the final stage is re-creating the iLearning Center.
after that, i have to do the same process for every lesson after it (because this will change all the following lesson numbers). it's not hard work, but it's really tedious and incredibly time consuming. since we have Lower Intermediate Lessons queued up thru June, that means almost 6 months of LI lessons are 1 number off.

as it's still january and we are still catching up from the new years holiday, as well as launching 2 new sites, jpod101 is running pretty far behind schedule. (if you noticed Ushijima was missing from the last 2 newbies - which is being fixed today). the numbering mistake was just a human error during the chaos of the holidays. and after it was pointed out, i decided it was a higher priority for me to keep getting quality lessons out on schedule. that was my decision to focus on lesson and let the number slide.

i'm sorry this is unacceptable to you and i'll go thru this week and re-do all the numbers from Lower Intermediate 56-70. 申し訳御座いません

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Postby kitty-chan » January 22nd, 2008 2:26 am

W0W :shock: :shock: :shock:

I don't even look at the lesson numbers. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Postby Psy » January 22nd, 2008 2:55 am

Man... to make a bi-lingual double entendre... 複雑. :lol:

markystar, I'm afraid I have to come out and defend you on this one. It is positively absurd to ask you to go through that much trouble just to correct a simple typo. While I'm glad that you finally took the time to unravel the mystery on this side, to do anything more is just ridiculous. That time is better spent improving the quality of the future material being developed for the site.

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Postby watermen » January 22nd, 2008 3:04 am

OMG, you all already have lessons 6 months ahead. That is impressive.

Instead of changing the number...may be you all can consider adding one easily-made lesson in?

Honestly speaking, I take my hat off to you guys. Jpod101 effort in making very high quality lessons is great. And I can really see the great improvement from day 1 to now.

However, I would like to bring out one thing that you all may want to consider reviewing, it is also open to discussion.

I realized that a lot of time has been spend making things that are auxiliary to a lessons. Such as Video vocab, review track, bonus track...and all the premium features ..etc. When I first subscribed and used the 7-day free trial, I used the premium features and I thought it was great and helpful, however as I progress onward, I realized that those premium features are less and less helpful to me. I wonder if I am the only one thinking that way. As I progress onward and as you know I was also speeding at that time, I realized that I don't need to spend so much time going through those line-by-line audio, kanji/vocab flash cards etc...The reason was because I really don't find it helpful to me as my level increase, the PDF is more than sufficient. Therefore, I decided not to subscribe to premium content and just subscribe to 1 year basic content, as I feel that the PDF file is most helpful. On the top of that, I couldn't afford to spend so much time going through those premium features where I feel that I don't gain much of it as I advance. I actually learn more by listening to another new lesson than going through those features. If I don't understand a particular lessons, I will just replay it and ask questions here. If I were to go through every single premium feature in every lesson, I will never be able to finish those 300+ newbie, beginner S1, S2 S3, survival phrases this time.

At my current level, when I listen to newbie and beginner S3, I am able to understand everything by just listening to it once, I used the PDF to confirm my understanding. After listening to the latest lesson, I will just call it a day. (Unless I am revising old lessons)
I certainly don't feel like spending the extra time going through those line-by-line audio at this stage, as it is really unnecessary. Therefore, I wonder are those features really necessary for people who already listen to 300 episode of lessons? It is just like romaji is really not useful to an upper intermediate level learner. Upper intermediate level learner should not use romaji.

What I want to say is, may be you all can lessen your work by not having so much features in the upper level or as the lesson progress. Instead spend the time to create quality audio and quality PDF files. I am more than happy to pay more for a quality PDF file than paying for those premium features where I am not likely going to use those features.

I am by no mean here to pour cold water on Jpod101 and I don't want to offend anyone, as I really love Jpod101 lessons and I listen to it almost everyday, I come to this website everyday to check up for the latest lesson. I just want to bring up something for everyone to discuss.

Also, consider adding a simple lesson in the missing number, may be a 5 minutes lesson? it is better than wasting time changing those number.

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Postby kitty-chan » January 22nd, 2008 7:05 am

Waterman, every person is different. :? :? :?
I don't think everybody uses JP101 the same as you. Just other people probably don't use it the same as me. :wink: :wink: :wink:
To say that the video vocab and review tracks aren't useful to you anymore is a little self-centered, don't you think? :| :| :|
What about the other people who like to learn that way? :wink: :wink: :wink:

I think JP101 is doing a great job!! I'm having a l ot of fun!! :kokoro: :kokoro: :kokoro:

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Postby watermen » January 22nd, 2008 8:13 am

That is why I mentioned this is for open discussion, as I am not sure if I am the only who feel that way. :D

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