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Motorcycle touring

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Motorcycle touring

Postby mpatterson47 » August 6th, 2007 7:11 pm

How about a JPod drama about a Japanese woman biker???

My company will transfer me to Japan for several years, and I'm hoping to get a motorcycle and tour some while there. I toured around Honshu and Kyushu when I lived there many years ago, but I've completely forgotten the lingo. About all I remember are the 暴走族, who stole our バイク, tore off the muffler, and dumped the bike in a ditch when the gas was gone. At least we got it back...

For instance, how do you say:

cager (car driver; verb -- to cage it)
keep the rubber side down
ride safe
squid (a reckless rider who, for instance, wears flip-flops & shorts and pops wheelies in traffic)
pop a wheelie; pull a stoppie/do an endo
ride pillion
ride the fast sweepers and the tight twisties
run wide (into oncoming traffic)
improve your cornering skills
I dropped my bike (i.e., crashed)
brain bucket (useless helmet)
road rash
low side/high side crashes
lean into the curve

Do Japanese bikers have superstitious practices like some American riders -- such as attaching bells to their bikes (best if it's received as a gift) to ward off road gremlins?

Do riders wave or nod to each other there?

How do you get gas; ask for service?

Thanks for all the fun and useful lessons.


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