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Jason wrote:I don't know how they apply to podcasts, but Japan also has some pretty strict broadcasting decency laws. I don't want to see them fined or jailed or anything.
Satsujin wrote:That's great. I love how for some of the words they don't even explain the meaning just...なるべく使わない...."just don't use it".
Charles wrote:I was given the book "Zakennayo," which has stuff like sexual lingo used by teenagers and ageist/sexist/nationalist/racial slurs. But an Amazon reviewer says that some of it sounds old, especially the title, which the author says is the big catch-all to put someone you don't like down, like "f--- you." The reader is directed to use "Zakennayo" if he or she had just been the recipient of other words mentioned in the book, and then walk away.
"Damn it, the Giants beat the Tigers! Damn! I was counting on them to win!"
Damn it, I misplaced my pants!
Damn, I really hate those skanky girls at Heartland. It's a damn shame - it's a nice bar, but such a meat market for expensive meat!
Yo, dawgs, did you see that fuckin' game the other day? Fuckin' amazing, yeah! What's up?
Oh, Poindexter, it is such a pleasure to see you. And how might you be doing this fine afternoon?