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errors in flashcard translations "New Core 100 Deck"

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errors in flashcard translations "New Core 100 Deck"

Postby gds_506243 » June 7th, 2015 8:43 am

Not a technical issue but in "New Core 100 Deck" there are 2 translation errors so far in the 7 cards I have looked at:

Water: correct kanji and audio is given, but the romanji is 'gakko'. There is also a confusing note about dialects, which my Japanese partner thought was simply an error.

Chicken Meat
the romanji given is 'keiniku' which, I am told is an alternative kanji reading but ultimately nonsense.

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Re: errors in flashcard translations "New Core 100 Deck"

Postby gds_506243 » June 7th, 2015 8:52 am

Also can you URGENTLY tell me how to change my username from my email address!?! There is no option to change it in the user control panel. It is pretty outrageous that my email address should appear like this by default.

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Re: errors in flashcard translations "New Core 100 Deck"

Postby gds_506243 » June 9th, 2015 7:10 am

I have found another mistake, the card for
has the romanji "nikui"

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Re: errors in flashcard translations "New Core 100 Deck"

Postby jaehwi » June 11th, 2015 2:01 am

Hi gds,

Could you send us an email at and how you'd like to change your username in the forum? We can change it manually.

Thank you,

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Re: errors in flashcard translations "New Core 100 Deck"

Postby gds_506243 » June 11th, 2015 9:58 am

I must say it is a pretty poor show.

I have emailed that address, the first time 4 days ago. The only reply I got has was asking what username I wanted, even though I stated that clearly in the original email.

And no acknowledgment of the errors on the flashcards which, I can see from the forum are not at all limited to the ones I have pointed out for you.

I like the podcast, but first impressions of the organisation behind it are not great.

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More errors, still no response

Postby gds_506243 » June 15th, 2015 4:06 pm

In the line-by-line audio of Newbie Season 1, Lesson 4, the audio is wrong.
The audio of the second line of dialogue is split up into parts and all the following lines, instead of having the correct audio, have parts of the second line.
(except the line size which has just the first word of line 3 as the audio).

I'm sure mistakes like this and the flashcards one happen in a complicated and extensive project such as Japanese pod 101, but I would feel better about it if there were some indication that these things were acknowledged and there was some chance of them being fixed. The flashcards just look broken and abandoned at the moment.

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Re: errors in flashcard translations "New Core 100 Deck"

Postby team.relationships » June 17th, 2015 2:33 am

Hi retrocool,

Thank you for reporting us the issue.

Could you confirm if you meant this lesson?

We've checked the Line by line audio of the lesson, starting with the audio for こちらは学校の友達のジェニーです, but it worked fine with us. Please let us know if it's referred to the other lesson.

Thank you for your patience.


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