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iPhone App - Drill Japanese In The Car Hands-Free

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iPhone App - Drill Japanese In The Car Hands-Free

Postby raeldor » May 1st, 2013 4:29 pm

Hi All,

I've been a Japanese student for 5 years, and having never lived in Japan I appreciate how difficult it is to learn a language outside of the country. I've been writing a suite of 3 iPhone applications to help serious students improve and maintain their skills based on my own experience. I've just released a new application called 'Hands-Free Sensei' that allows you to drill new vocabulary in the car hands-free while you're driving (or indeed hiking, walking the dog, etc.). I've been using it in the car recently and have been finding it VERY useful for learning new vocabulary during what is normally wasted learning time. Please check it out here... ... 83164?mt=8

There's a free version too if you want to try-before-you-buy. This application also works in conjunction with my dictionary/flashcard application Japanese My Way so you can add words to your study list straight from the dictionary and then jump in the car and fire-up Hands-Free Sensei to practice them on the go.

Best of luck with your studies everyone!

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Re: iPhone App - Drill Japanese In The Car Hands-Free

Postby pancakepaws_502247 » October 24th, 2014 9:14 am

It's a great idea to develop an iphone app with the help of which everyone can learn Japanese. I work at a mobile app development company usa and I will share this idea with our team of developers.

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Re: iPhone App - Drill Japanese In The Car Hands-Free

Postby community.japanese » November 2nd, 2014 3:16 am


Thank you for sharing the information.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: iPhone App - Drill Japanese In The Car Hands-Free

Postby david.smith0143_512973 » July 11th, 2016 12:19 pm

I am App developer in USA. I am definitely think about it and I am try to developed an app to solve the language problem.

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