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Re: "Study All" in flashcards seems to be broken

Postby laemus » January 2nd, 2015 11:12 pm

It's STILL broken? Simply amazing.

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Flashcards are not working

Postby MicahT » January 5th, 2015 12:55 am

I'm having issues with flashcards replacing themselves or not being there and it has persisted for a long time. Looking at the other topics in this forum I'm clearly not the only person and it has been a long-standing issue. Can we get an ETA on a fix from Tech Support? I'd like to keep using this site as learning resource but it's a problem that the flashcards have had problems for what looks to be at least half a year.

I found that not only are these flashcards being replaced or missing, but that for me the lesson vocabulary lists are incorrect. They either have incorrect words or are missing words. Because of this there are words that cannot be made into flashcards while they could have been before since they go missing from the vocabulary lists. I'd like an answer that's better than "hopefully fixed soon" because of how long these problems have been here for.

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Re: Flashcards are not working

Postby MicahT » January 6th, 2015 1:25 am

I've now found the same problem in the Core Word Lists, one of my flashcards has been replaced by some other one that shouldn't be there. I would need to go through the words one by one to see which one was replaced, but this new word has also taken on the progress of the old one.

These problems weren't here when I started, would resetting the account be a temporary fix?

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Re: Flashcards are not working

Postby laemus » January 6th, 2015 8:27 pm

No - the whole system is broken, and they clearly don't care.

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Re: Flashcards are not working

Postby Kythyss_501387 » January 6th, 2015 9:46 pm

There are many problems, the one I deal with daily is random replacement of words in my decks.

For example, today In a lesson deck consisting of 8 cards, I had 6 of them replaced with words that were not in the lesson or they were replaced with a word and then that word duplicated itself. I had 4 髪 in the deck one 暖かい and ちょうど.

None of these words were in the lesson.

While it does seem they did fix the glitch that was preventing progress in word learning this bug has been plaguing me for many months now.

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Re: Flashcards are not working

Postby MicahT » January 7th, 2015 12:09 am

Even if we get a reply it's going to be a copy/paste "our team is working on it" or "hopefully fixed soon" answer. I would've liked to recommend this website to my friends, it's just a pity that it doesn't work.

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Re: sites broken - refund

Postby jaehwi » January 14th, 2015 6:53 am

Hello Loki64,

Thank you for your patience. Our tech team has just fixed the issue reported for flashcard decks. Please try the flashcards again. Note that while we were able to restore the majority of the bad cards, there were a few that we were unable to. We are very sorry for this inconvenience.

If you find any technical issues regarding the flashcards, please let us know at

Thank you again.

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Re: Can't find a flashcard word

Postby jaehwi » January 14th, 2015 6:54 am

Hello MichaT,

Thank you for your patience. We'd like to appreciate your patiences.
Our tech team has just fixed the issue reported for flashcard decks. Please try the flashcards again.

If you find any technical issues regarding the flashcards, please let us know at

Thank you again.

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Re: study tool flashcards are broken again

Postby jaehwi » January 14th, 2015 6:54 am

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your patience. We'd like to appreciate your patiences.
Our tech team has just fixed the issue reported for flashcard decks. Please try the flashcards again.

If you find any technical issues regarding the flashcards, please let us know at

Thank you again.

Product manager

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Re: "Study All" in flashcards seems to be broken

Postby jaehwi » January 14th, 2015 6:55 am

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your patience. We'd like to appreciate your patiences.
Our tech team has just fixed the issue reported for flashcard decks. Please try the flashcards again.

If you find any technical issues regarding the flashcards, please let us know at

Thank you again.

Product manager

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Re: Flashcards are not working

Postby jaehwi » January 14th, 2015 6:57 am

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your patience. We'd like to appreciate your patiences.
Our tech team has just fixed the issue reported for flashcard decks. Please try the flashcards again.

If you find any technical issues regarding the flashcards, please let us know at

Thank you again.

Product manager

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Re: Flashcards are not working

Postby MicahT » January 17th, 2015 1:36 am

I found that the flashcards in the vocabulary lists and core lists mismatch as to what they are supposed to be. They have some additional incorrect words, as well as some words missing from the lists. I've sent a screen capture to support.

Has anyone else experienced this or is it on my end?

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