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Merging threads

Postby jkid » October 28th, 2008 4:11 pm

How do you go about merging threads on the forum?


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"Study All" in flashcards seems to be broken

Postby dominicashmole1350 » June 19th, 2014 8:35 am

I think the "Study All" deck in the Flashcards feature may have a new bug.

I've not used it for a while, as I had 2000 cards to clear, and I chose to do that by focusing on one deck at a time.

However, I've cleared the backlog now, and what I find happens is:

If I try using the "Study All" deck, instead of showing me the various due cards from my other decks, it starts showing me not-due other cards. It mostly seems to be the "recognition" ones that include kana and romaji.

These cards are definitely not due. I verify this by going off and studying the other decks independently, and none of those cards that were appearing under "Study All" come up. Also, studying the cards that "Study All" shows me never has any impact on the number of cards due - it doesn't reduce.

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Re: "Study All" in flashcards seems to be broken

Postby lauralanda » June 27th, 2014 3:01 am

Hello dominicashmole1350,

Thank you for posting and for sharing your concerns with us.
We would love to help you solve this issue, could you please send us an email with all your details, to:

Kind regards,

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Re: "Study All" in flashcards seems to be broken

Postby NihongoWaBenkyotte_500383 » July 11th, 2014 11:59 pm

I'm having the same issue.

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Flashcards blocked

Postby NihongoWaBenkyotte_500383 » July 12th, 2014 12:01 am

After a certain amount of flashcards, it blocks you from studying more or studying the ones you already know. :(

Is there anyway by this limit? I do have a site subscription, if that's the problem.

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Re: "Study All" in flashcards seems to be broken

Postby dominicashmole1350 » July 14th, 2014 6:05 pm

I emailed as suggested - looking forward to hearing back. :wink:

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Re: Flashcards blocked

Postby lauralanda » July 16th, 2014 5:10 am

Dear NihongoWaBenkyotte,

Thank you for posting!
Please, send us an email to
Including information about the issue and the device you are using to access to the site.

Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.


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Flashcard replacement issue

Postby Loki64_500765 » October 4th, 2014 11:44 am

After i removed one of my old words in my flashcard list, some of my worlds was replaced with different flashcards with same meaning. Problem is, that those new flashcards almost never have a sentence examples (compared to one i had in deck). Can you please help me to fix this problem? These sentence examples that i had was so helpful :(.

I am not sure if that was because i removed a card from deck, but this issue occured almost right after this.

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Re: Flashcard replacement issue

Postby lauralanda » October 6th, 2014 7:27 am

Hi Loki64,

Thank you for posting!
Please, send us an email to:
Including information about the issue, the device you are using to access to our site, and your username.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

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Re: Flashcard replacement issue

Postby Loki64_500765 » October 11th, 2014 6:18 pm

I've just noticed that more and more words in my vocab is replaced. I have already send a mail where i've described issue a week ago. Could you please tell me some info about resolving this issue? :(

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Re: Flashcard replacement issue

Postby lauralanda » October 15th, 2014 4:13 am

Hi Loki64,

Thank you for the follow up.
If you sent an email last week, we are still working on the issue.
Please, if you keep having problems with the FrashCards, send us another email to:

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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Re: Flashcard replacement issue

Postby Loki64_500765 » October 18th, 2014 4:50 pm

ok, right now im definitely sure that some of my cards are replaced by another with absolutely different meaning without me doing so. This happend to quite a lot of my flashcards. Could you please fix it fast because all my vocab will be a garbage soon:(. also - is there some way to reverse these changes?

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Re: Flashcard replacement issue

Postby mmmason8967 » October 19th, 2014 8:37 am

I have just seen the same thing in one of my flashcard decks.

I have a deck that contains all the vocabulary for the "Japanese Counters for Beginners" video series. Today one of the cards that came up was "nemui" (sleepy): obviously, that word isn't going to be in a series about counters.

I've tried looking for a counter card that has gone missing--the one replaced with "nemui"--but I haven't found it yet. So I can't tell whether "nemui" has replaced one of the counter flashcards or has been inserted into the deck as an extra card.


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Flash card decks are breaking/corrupted.

Postby Kythyss_501387 » October 19th, 2014 8:01 pm

I am getting issues with my flash cards, in my absolute beginner 14 deck it had a phrase I've never learned and that was not part of the lesson. "birds of a feather"

I ended up deleting the deck because when I selectively tried to delete the one phrase it deleted other words instead. I re-added the lesson deck and it only had だいじょうぶ、グラス and でも two times. I deleted and re-added again and this time it only had だいじょうぶ and グラス. My lesson 23 of absolute beginer only has 5 words 4 of which are now duplicates いってらっしゃい and いきます.

As I do my daily review, I'm finding more and more decks that are corrupted, they are missing vocab words from that lesson or have duplicated words in the lessson or have replaced words or phrases with others that I have not learned yet.

I am accessing my cards from a PC. Until two days ago I did not have any issues.

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Re: Flashcard replacement issue

Postby lauralanda » October 20th, 2014 9:42 am

Hi JapanesePod101 Listeners!

Thank you for all your comments and feedback.
Please, send us an email to:
Including information about the issue, the device you are using to access our site, and your username.

We have received some email about this issue already, and we are currently working on it.
Loki64 > one of those emails was from you, we are sorry for being taking time to fix it.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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