> remillardn7528-san,
As charliegchen8215-san wrote, your sentence クジラ(が)ありません can be used with different meanings
in certain situation. Other than those already suggested, I'd imagine the scene where you're at sushi restaurant
and you were hoping to let your friend try whale, but found out whale was already finished at that day.
In this specific sentence, I'd also say particle が might not be dropped usually. Even in casual way,
うそ!クジラがない。is normal

(of course, it can be うそ!クジラない。)
Going back to your originally intended sentence, yes, それは鯨ではありません。 corresponds your English sentence
> マイケルさん、
thank you for pointing out difference between ありません and いません
It's a very important point, and also I kinda felt funny you mentioned to it

(I know I'm a joke lover, so bear with me here)
Like I wrote above, and also charliegchen8215-san wrote, when the whale is inanimate "meat", at that point ありません
is correct. I actually imagined alive whale escaping from a huge tank to the ocean, like "free willy"
And, Ohhhh I SEEEEE!!! 「スタイル・ユー」ね
I completely misunderstood the English sentence

Thank you very much for clarification and help!
Wow, I'm really amazed how well you know about J-Pod, throughout the site
Your sentences in earlier posts didn't make me smile, but made me laugh a lot!!
As to 諸姉, I actually didn't know this word....

It doesn't mean it's wrong, but it could be one of those written languages and when we actually say in conversation
it might not be recognised, especially by poor vocabulary people like me
Well, regarding the language used in TV dramas, guys tend to be cheeky and always "being cool", and ladies speak
way too "girly" or fancy. Those lines they say might not sound weird in dramas, but many of them are like "I've never
seen anyone actually saying that". But amimes like となりのトトロ and so on, I don't see any problems and I think those are
one of the best materials

I've seen many Miyazaki movies and I love them, but I don't remember if I actually
watched 蛍の墓, I remember certain scenes, but can't really remember entire story. Now I might not have courage
to watch it again, since it's too sad...

Its language should be fine. Although, if I remember correctly, the main
characters are little kids, and their way of speaking might be a typical kids' language. At least they wouldn't
say any cheeky line to pretending cool or romantic
Evertime I watch となりのトトロ, I call little girl Mei ちっちゃいなっちゃん("little Natsuko")

And my mum agrees
When you watch those movies, if there's any lines you cannot understand, please feel free to ask us here.
Also, as I wrote earlier, I'm happy to help you whether or not you should actually use some lines in real world
> ashzehedgehog8725-san,
> charliegchen8215-san,
Team JapanesePod101.com