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~Student Exchange - Still possible?~

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~Student Exchange - Still possible?~

Postby sakurayume8489 » June 12th, 2011 7:14 pm

hi everyone!

It has been my biggest goal and dream to go to Japan for a year and study abroad in tenth grade (that would be after the next school year)

Now recently, with all those awful things that happened in Japan... will I still be able to go?

I wish I could go to Japan right now to help any way I can, but's impossible ._.

well, thanks for any comments, I really appreciate it <3


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Postby Psy » June 26th, 2011 5:00 am

I suppose I'll be nice and throw a bone out on this one since no one else has responded:

It seems to me like you're giving up on an aspiration before you've even started work on it. There are a lot of people & places in Japan, and although what happened in the Tōhoku region was terrible and its effects will surely be long-lasting, the majority of the nation's cities and people have remained-- at least insofar as the natural disaster is concerned-- largely unaffected. Therefore it is naive to assume from the outset (unless of course you were planning to go to Sendai) that your aspiration to study overseas has suddenly become impossible.

Considering I don't know anything about you, your school or its exchange programs, there isn't any specific information I can provide or help look up for you. However, if I had any advice (and this applies not only to overseas trips but to education and life in general), it is to continue asking people questions and to be persistent. There's usually a way to achieve things if you work at it. If you have more information regarding what specifically it is you're wanting to do, I'm sure there will be someone on the boards here who will be able to point you in the right direction.
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Postby Zukanna » July 22nd, 2011 9:45 am

I'm currently on study abroad in Japan, and have been for about 11 months now, so I was here when the earthquake and tsunami's hit. To be honest, it shouldn't really affect you if you do come to do study abroad, i barely hear about it, it hasn't changed anything in my daily life or studies either. It's definitely not impossible, as i don't know about any possible exchange programmes you might be considering i can't say anything specifically, but it's an opportunity you should take, it's an amazing experience and at the moment, at least for the Universities and exchange linked schools around here, they are actually recruiting more foreigners to come and study here. It's well worth it, give it a go :) Nothing is impossible!

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