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Organisations for Student Internships in Japan

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Organisations for Student Internships in Japan

Postby adzz182 » June 3rd, 2007 12:30 pm

I selected a course in university that requires me to take a 1 year internship (year in industry) at the University of York, UK. The university do not actually have any contacts, and cannot help me find an internship in Japan, but have said that if i can find my own it is OK with them.
Can anyone help me find any companies that offer 1 year internships along with Japanese Language study? The Internship will take place in Sept 2008 after 2 years at Uni. If japanese language is required i would say im at lower intermediate level (studied at college and uni for 2.5 years)
I am already aware of the Daiwa scholarship Foundation (which i cannot do because it is a 2 year course) and the Vulcanus Scheme.
I am studying Genetics so an internship in that area would be prefferable (although im probably freaming there) but must be biologically based.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks


EDIT - Anyone whos also looking for the same type of thing should check out these Japan Student Services Organisation -
Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science -
They were useful but they couldnt really help me - apparently im too young for some and too old for others -.-

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