Secondly Hi everyone its my first time around ^^
So for quick background im one of those north american who just ate all that his japanese soo obviously I try to have a cool Kanji for my gamertag and other internet related stuff and Im trying to make it as acurate as possible.
So what id like to have his a kanji that say Entropic Monkey, The monkey which his entropic, monkey's entropy or something like that. With the help of other source around the net I come around with all of these 崩熱猿, 猴子熵, or litteraly
Note I can't read at all so all of this came out of a mix from translate of specific words and different games forum were I sniff my nose around the japanese section to ask for guidance.
I would also like to know how to pronunce it, so far I think Shang Hou would be close, but again im not talking a single word and my sources are sketchy so thats why im here ^^
Thanks for your time and hope someone can help me out