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2014 N3

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2014 N3

Postby jamchiell6368 » January 17th, 2014 11:36 am

Hi everyone,

In December 2002 (yes that long ago), I took the old level 3 test and passed. I lived in Japan for some time after that but didn't progress as I was studying TESOL at Temple University, Japan and I spent all the hours I had working and studying. Ironically, now that I am living outside Japan, I have time and thanks to Japanesepod101, the opportunity to study.

I will take the N3 in Edinburgh this year (2014). I would be grateful to hear of anyone who wants to be a cyber-study buddy with me and share some tips and ideas. I would also be glad if anyone could recommend any readings or literature to help me.

At the moment, I am reviewing the N4 course as I am a bit rusty. Then from next month, I will really go for the N3 test. That will give me five months to study. My wife is Japanese, but I don't want to stress her with questions on grammar etc. I wonder if it is a good idea to upgrade so to premium plus and get a tutor who can help me.



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Re: 2014 N3

Postby community.japanese » January 19th, 2014 7:31 am

kon'nichiwa! :D

There are some forum threads where people are looking for study buddies, so you might want to check
those out. Hope you can find someone to study with for N3 this year.

It's very nice of you to try not to stress your wife out. :kokoro:
You're always welcome to ask us grammar questions here or any lesson pages!
There are many people doing that, and other J-Pod listeners are very helpful and kind enough to answer
to you questions with a very good explanation in English!
We appreciate your consideration of subscribing Premium+ membership :D
I think you can try studying with you current membership, and then if you think the current
membership is not enough, you can upgrade it to Premium+.
Hopefully, someone with Premium+ membership will drop by and post a comment about it too!

Natsuko (奈津子),

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Re: 2014 N3

Postby lilyeuhh » March 2nd, 2014 4:12 pm


I'd be happy to join in.
I'm a college student, I'm planning on taking JLPT (still hesitating between the 2 levels).
What support are you using to review N4?

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Re: 2014 N3

Postby community.japanese » March 3rd, 2014 7:49 am

Hello lillyeuhh san,
We have JLPT Season 2 – New N4. Please go to
Yuki  由紀

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Re: 2014 N3

Postby c.lloyd573_498541 » April 4th, 2014 11:34 pm

Hi there, I'm also taking N3 (in London this July). The interesting bit is I've only been studying Japanese since January. Know about 2k vocab and all the jouyou kanji. It's just a vocab and grammar grind for me at this stage. Going to be an experience for sure!

For reading resources, NHK Easy every day is a good start. Just spend as much time online as you can reading as many different things as you can, really. Tutor wouldn't be a bad idea! Also sign up for lang-8 and start practicing writing ASAP :)

I'm using a combination of Evernote, Anki, and Memrise to keep hold of everything.

Let's do our best!

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Re: 2014 N3

Postby community.japanese » April 6th, 2014 7:07 am

c.lloyd573 san,
Thank you for sharing the information.
N3 ganbatte kudasai.
Yuki 由紀

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Vocab with Examples

Postby dnjpsil_497579 » August 4th, 2014 8:45 am

Dear JLPT Teachers,

It would be good to have examples for each Vocabulary words for JLPT N3 level. There are many words which can be understood if few examples of each is given.

For example - the following are N3 level vocab words - Akira, Akiraka, Akuma etc.. Examples will help us to understand its usage better. Kindly help.

Not only for N3, this can be extended for each level.


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Re: 2014 N3

Postby motoko.innovative » August 7th, 2014 11:38 pm

Narayanan-san kon'nichiwa,

Thanks for your feedback! I'll bring it back to my team.
For now, please have a look at vocabulary search, or key vocabulary list on each Audio Lesson.
Most of the vocabulary have their sample sentences in Japanese and English (translation).

Thanks again!

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Re: 2014 N3

Postby dnjpsil_497579 » August 9th, 2014 9:12 am

Thank you so much, Motoko-san.

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Re: 2014 N3

Postby motoko.innovative » August 10th, 2014 11:22 pm

Narayanan-san, kon'nichiwa.
No worries.
Please feel free to ask when you have any other questions and feedback.
Stay tuned!


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Re: 2014 N3

Postby dnjpsil_497579 » March 26th, 2015 12:31 pm

Dear Motoko-san,

I am back again regarding N3 query. Is there a location where all N3 related Kanjis, Vocab, Dokkai etc with examples available in JPOD101? It would be great if we something for preparation.


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Re: 2014 N3

Postby motoko.innovative » April 14th, 2015 4:09 am

Narayanan-san kon'nichiwa,
Welcome back!
We have JLPT new N3 series.
Hope this helps,

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Re: 2014 N3

Postby dnjpsil_497579 » April 16th, 2015 3:59 pm

Let me look at that Motoko-san.

Domo, Arigatogozaimasu.


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Re: 2014 N3

Postby community.japanese » April 20th, 2015 1:40 am

Narayanan san,
Thank you for the reply.
If you still have problems or questions, please feel free to ask us.
Yuki 由紀

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