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JLPT on Dec 2, 2012

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JLPT on Dec 2, 2012

Postby nikhilkhullar7862532 » November 7th, 2012 7:25 am

Konnichiwa friends,

With the JLPT coming up on 2nd December, can you tell me which sections of JPod101 can be of help.
I have self studied for around 7 months using Minna no Nihongo and some random online searches. I know around 70 Kanji, and all Kana.
I have bought Jpod101 premium now as it appeared really cool to me. What parts of the site should I go over for my JLPT N5 preparation and practice ..?


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Re: JLPT on Dec 2, 2012

Postby team.relationships » November 9th, 2012 10:53 am

Considering that you've got less than 1 month now, if you've got any specific part of exam, you'd probably want to
focus on it. Otherwise, actual test style drills (available at bookshops) would be helpful.
Also, we have lessons for JLPT: ... urriculum/

Good luck! :D

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Re: JLPT on Dec 2, 2012

Postby mwbeale6642 » November 14th, 2012 7:35 pm

There's an N5 book from a company called Unicom that is really good for JLPT N5. I would get that book and study it. It has all the vocabulary and grammar you need. I think it also has the kanji.

The thing I think about JLPT N5 (and N4) is that there is some specific vocabulary and grammar that you will be tested on. Jpod101 is great for learning Japanese, but I think you really need to focus on the exact vocabulary and grammar that you need for the test. Passing the test and speaking the language are two different things I think.

I agree that you should get the official practice test. I also used some books from ARC Academy which weren't as useful: they were not at the right level for the test.

Good luck. It is possible to pass the test after 7 months.


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Re: JLPT on Dec 2, 2012

Postby community.japanese » November 16th, 2012 11:36 am

thank you very much for the usuful information! :D


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Re: JLPT on Dec 2, 2012

Postby chonnyfonny696924 » December 14th, 2012 3:42 pm

I missed out the JLPT this year. Because I feel I'm not ready having only to take my Japanese study seriously in the past month. I wish there was practice tests leading up to the JLPT so I know what It feels like. Anyway. I hope I can take next years one with heaps of practice leading up to it... Next year. N5 here I come.
Btw, how was the N5 test. Anyone wanna email the test?? :P just curious to look at it :P

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Re: JLPT on Dec 2, 2012

Postby community.japanese » December 15th, 2012 5:31 am

We have preparation lessions too, so hope we could help you too! :wink:
The actual exam (past ones) are available at bookshops, just to let you know.
Good luck!


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