If we can help you with something, please feel free to let us know!

And, Ogemaniac-san, YES, very true.
There's no short-cut for ANY language learning, I must say.
Japanese might take quite a lot of time to acquire, but it's not because difficult, it's because different

Think that way, and it'd become slightly more fun

As to 解釈, I'd never give explanation as its translation. Like you said, "interpretation" is a lot closer, and it's actually
also "understand(ing)". 解釈する means you understand something.
One very important advice for anyone who's studying Japanese at this level (from me) would be
"you cannot really work on language if you're relying too much on translation, because the languages are different".
This means that, if you want to know the name of a fruit in front of you, for example,
let's say it's an apple, and someone gives you the name in Japanese りんご which can be literal translation.
This works. Fine. But when it comes to more "conceptual" and/or invisible words, languages (ANY languages) usually
involves its background, nation's point of view, culture and even history. So you need to understand more like "concept"
and/or "idea". Am I making sense? Hope so.
And, this proves why "anki" with simple translation sometimes doesn't work

If you have difficulties to understand something, or get idea of some words, please feel free to ask us!
We'll try to help you as much as we can, until you get it and are happy!

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