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Japan dish

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Joined: October 19th, 2017 4:38 am

Japan dish

Postby emanuelmaruio_518468 » October 19th, 2017 4:41 am

Cut cucumbers in half lengthwise and scoop out any large seeds. Slice crosswise into very thin slices.
In a small bowl combine vinegar, sugar, salt and ginger. Mix well. Place cucumbers inside of the bowl, stir so that cucumbers are coated with the mixture. Refrigerate the bowl of cucumbers for at least 1 hour before serving.

New in Town
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Joined: December 2nd, 2017 6:46 am

Re: Japan dish

Postby adamcole1092_519037 » December 2nd, 2017 6:49 am

Checking , is this one working
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