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What is available to basic free users

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What is available to basic free users

Postby henryskitt_516675 » May 27th, 2017 6:03 pm

I watched the youtube channel of JPOD and decided to sign up I thought it was great for 7 days and new I was on a free trial bit still I thought at least the basics would still be available when my trial ran out all the useful stuff was gone and I was left with a drib drab of really basic audio lessons- I love the youtube channel but it dosen't really teach you vocab and thats why I came back to JPOD after a year of forgetting about. I was hoping my memory was wrong and there was something I could do with my "Free lifetime account" but unless I'm missing something there is really hardly anyway to learn with out the full subscription please correct me if i am wrong and point me in the correct direction to find a course I can take that has more than one audio lesson on it. Cheers

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Re: What is available to basic free users

Postby ofeliadgrd » June 3rd, 2017 1:28 am

Hello henryskitt,

With the free account, you can access the most recent lessons from the past three weeks as well as the first three lessons from any level. As we publish several lessons per week, you'll receive countless hours of free audio lessons to stream or download!

If you have any other questions related to the JapanesePod101 subscription or account, please send us an email to .

Thank you,

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