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I don't understand the train ticket system please help!

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I don't understand the train ticket system please help!

Postby MashiePotatoes » February 7th, 2015 11:18 am

Hey guys need some help regarding the trains in Tokyo.
I'm going to Japan in March and my friends and I are ONLY going to be travelling within Tokyo for 6 days.

If I buy a one-day metro pass, does it include all lines?

There are also JR lines within Tokyo (Not outbound to other states). Do I still need to buy a JR rail pass to take these trains? Cos it seems ridiculous to pay like 30000 Yen just to travel for 6 days within Tokyo, considering some of these trains need only like a few hundred yen from station to station.

Please please help. If someone can give me a brief but complete explanation on what tickets to buy or any recommendations for ticket packages, I would be very very grateful.

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Re: I don't understand the train ticket system please help!

Postby patrick_harnett » February 7th, 2015 8:56 pm

You do not need to get the rail pass if you are only travelling in Tokyo.

Actually, you could probably just use single tickets on each train trip and that way you don't even need to worry about if the metro pass covers the particular line you are travelling on as there is not a single ticket that covers everything. Just get the right ticket from the right machine - easy when only one company serves a station, but that is not always the case.


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Re: I don't understand the train ticket system please help!

Postby community.japanese » February 8th, 2015 6:30 am

Patrick san,
Thank you for the post.
That is one of good ideas.

MashiePotatoes san,
I think you should get PASMO which covers all JR lines, subways and buses in Tokyo.
Please refer to the site below.
If you have the prepaid card, the fee is cheaper than single tickets.
Bending machine has English, too
Yuki 由紀

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Re: I don't understand the train ticket system please help!

Postby soumyahuja1_514345 » November 17th, 2016 10:08 am

you can uderstand all procedure of booking ticket and train ticket system by aaplying for IRCTC Registration on it's official web portal.

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Re: I don't understand the train ticket system please help!

Postby community.japanese » November 27th, 2016 9:27 am

Thank you for you sharing the information.
Yuki 由紀

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Re: I don't understand the train ticket system please help!

Postby rupalsingh14june_517246 » July 12th, 2017 7:33 am

Thanks for sharing information,Trains continue to be the most economical and reliable mode of transport in the world,I generally travel by train as now facilities also improved as compared to past days.

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