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I68: Dareka hoka ni mo tetsudaeru...

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I68: Dareka hoka ni mo tetsudaeru...

Postby andycarmenjapanese8100 » December 5th, 2014 4:05 am


Ato de dare ka hoka ni mo tetsudaeru ka dō ka kiite miru wa.
I'll ask around later to see if anyone else can help as well.

This might be a 何となく question but I don't understand the word order here.

"hoka no dareka mo tetsudaeru..." would be perfectly clear, and I understand the meaning is the same but I have no idea why the speaker would put "hoka ni" after the "dareka".

Sō nē... Sō iu komatta kuraianto, ōi no yo ne. A, ima no, shachō ni wa naisho yo.
I guess so...There are so many problem clients like that, you know. Oh, don't tell the president I just said that.

These "no" particles are a complete mystery to me.

EDIT: After re-listening to the lesson, the first "no" is completely missing from the spoken dialogue and the second is said in a way that makes it sound like, "the current boss". Perhaps the PDF made two mistakes?

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Re: I68: Dareka hoka ni mo tetsudaeru...

Postby motoko.innovative » December 15th, 2014 3:31 am

andycarmenjapanese8100-san kon'nichiwa!
Thanks for your feedback! The Lesson Notes of Intermediate Lesson 68 has many typos on Kana and Romaji section.
I've fixed those.


You have a good question. You can say 'hoka no dareka mo..' but not here. When people use 'hoka no dareka mo,' it can indicate a random person. This 'dareka' indicates someone in the office/company but other than the speaker.
So, you can also use the word 'hoka' as a phrase 'hoka ni.' For example, 'hoka ni shitsumon wa arimasu ka. (他に質問はありますか。)' meaning "Do you have any other questions?"


As you mentioned, the first 'no' is a typo. I've fixed it. The audio actually says 多いよね (ōi yo ne). The second one is a nominalizer, which indicate what a speaker says before this 'no.' So this 'ima no' indicates his previous comment, "There are so many problem clients like that" and also the fact that he said so.

Hope this helps,
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