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e books readers or electronic dictionaires

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e books readers or electronic dictionaires

Postby vtedin » July 19th, 2010 2:36 pm

I´m planning to buy the new casio ex word XDA 10000 in my next tripo to Japan but are wondering if it is not better to wait until de e book readers market reaches japan. I am an avid reader of japanese literatures and use my actual casio ex word xd gw 9600 to download books from aozora but would like to read modern japanese literature. The requisite would be that the ebook reader must have a dictionary included.
¿Does anybody know what will casio do for next year models?

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Postby mslozada » July 19th, 2010 4:03 pm

Buy an " Ipad or Iphone " and all your problems will be solved. Dictionaries and Books can be downloaded as apps (itunes store).

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I Pad

Postby vtedin » July 20th, 2010 1:36 pm

Thank you mslozada. ¿Do you know if the Ipad has a japansese- english or japanaese - japaense dictionary incuded, or if there is any app that I can use while reading the books?


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