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Postby Yamanchu » January 11th, 2010 10:15 pm

Found this site and hadn't seen it mentioned before. It has various SRS flashcard lists which are net-based and iphone/itouch based. According to the site, you can syc your account between various computers and wireless devices. Also can be used by wireless devices offline which would come in handy.

It has vocab and kanji for all the JLPT tests, vocab for a few specialised areas and keeps track of your progress.

This is a new site and I think it needs work with the site layout and a few other things. But if they get a few small problems like this sorted out the site has a lot of potential.

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Postby kanjitastic » January 12th, 2010 3:41 pm

KanjiTastic is at

One of my favorite new features of KanjiTastic is the list of look-alike kanji, vocab with the same meaning and pronunciation.

I've also setup a twitter bot that posts random vocab and kanji every day with links back to the word's flashcard.

I'm very much interested in feedback on site layout and any other improvements that you'd like to see.
Last edited by kanjitastic on January 12th, 2010 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Ben Bullock
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Postby Ben Bullock » January 12th, 2010 5:08 pm

kanjitastic wrote:One of my favorite new features of KanjiTastic is the list of look-alike kanji

Hmm, a lot of those don't really look alike:

席 : 皮, 帯
公 : 光
呼 : 浮
忙 : 亡
整 : 望, 菫

:roll: I don't think many people would confuse most of these.

kanjitastic wrote:I'm very much interested in feedback on site layout and any other improvements that you'd like to see.

I ran into quite a few bugs on your site. I tried the quiz for reading but at the end it didn't give me the answers but something like this:

30 (100%)
143 (476.7%) :lol:
0 (0%) :D

Hmm, I got 143 right out of 30 questions? I don't think so! Also the vocabulary is seriously random, I got a word with about eight kanjis in it at one point. :?

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Joined: January 12th, 2010 3:25 pm

Postby kanjitastic » January 12th, 2010 5:29 pm

Thanks for reporting the bugs. The site is beta, so bug reports are definitely appreciated.

If you want to keep track of the bugs and enhancement requests for KanjiTastic follow us on Lighthouse. You can also report your own bugs, and requests there.

To reduce the randomness of the vocabulary that the site gives you use the search menu to confine it to JLPT levels, sets, specific kanji, etc.

I'll look into adding a search filter that limits the number of kanji per card in the results.

At some point I'm going to open up the similar kanji list to input from users. That way we'll have a list of kanji that confuses the average user.

The score calculator widget is separate from the SRS calculation, so any bugs you find there will not be reflected in the SRS tracking. Nevertheless, I'll get the widget calculator fixed.

To get a break down of your saved scores and SRS results check out your score chart.

Do note that the score calculator widget tracks scores based on the number of cards * the number of sides for each card. Most KanjiTastic flashcards have three sides, so even when there is no bug in the calculation it may seem a bit weird.

Again, thanks for the feedback.

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