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More practice, woohoo...

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dj gman
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More practice, woohoo...

Postby dj gman » March 28th, 2008 1:57 am

Sumimasen, watashi wa shigoto o sagashimasu.
Excuse me, I'm looking for a job.

watashi wa shigoto o sagashi-mashita.
I looked for a job.

watashi wa shigoto o sugine sagashi
I will look for a job soon.

watashi wa ima ga shigoto o motteimasu
I have a job now.

anata wa shigoto o motteimasu ka
Do you have a job?

anata wa watashi ga shigoto o choudai dekimasu ka
Can you get me a job?

Watashi wa anata ga shigoto o choudai
I will get you a job.

Just practice with working on different tenses of verbs. Feel free to correct me on anything. I know that watashi is usually inferred but I just like sticking it in there for neatness

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Postby Javizy » March 28th, 2008 5:53 am

Shigoto no hanashi ga o-suki desu yo ne :lol:

'ima' is a relative time expression, so it doesn't take a particle unless you want to use 'wa' to add emphasis/contrast, which adds a nuance of 'now (rather than before or later).

'sugune' should be 'sugu ni’.

'Sagashimasu’ is the plain non-past, so it means 'to search' or 'will search'. For progressives, i.e. 'I am searching', 'te iru’ is used, but if you haven't covered this don't worry about it for now.

'Choudai’ is less commonly used than the regular set of giving/receiving verbs, which are quite important in Japanese, and are covered in detail in later lessons, so again don't worry if you haven't covered them yet. 'Choudai’, to me at least, sounds quite feminine as well since I've only ever heard women use it. I'd be interested to hear somebody else's opinion on this.

'Anata wa' is rarely used unless it would otherwise be unclear that you are referring to the second person. Since you are asking questions, it can be inferred that you are referring to the listener. 'Watashi wa’ is similar in this sense; since you haven't mentioned anyone else, you can only be talking about yourself, so you needn't explicitly state this. Learning when and when not to infer parts of a sentence is something that will help you sound more natural, and will take time to accustom to.

Anyway, keep up the studying, ganbatte kudasai.
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