when jpod started doing the additional dialogue and review tracks and now video i was so pleased.
like you i don't have time to use all the premium features on the website, but these three more features have been a great blessing.
finally i don't have to listen or skip through the entire lesson to listen to the conversation again or listen to the vocab. yes, i can look at the PDF, but i want to be able to hear the intonation rather than simply reading it.
these features are invaluable because not everyone learns the same way as you do watermen, so please don't assume that just because they're not useful to you that they're not useful to everyone else.
THAT is why we have different subscriber levels

As for this numbering. i think it would be an absurd waste of time for marky to go back and change everything, not to mention the future lessons that are now banked up.
nobody else has really noticed the numbering mistake, and nobody else has really been bothered by it up to this point.
i say that we should just let it slide and get over it. its just a number.
i personally dont have every lesson downloaded because they're not all useful and they use my disc space too.
yes we do have a democracy, yes we do all have opinions, but democracies are not to be ruled by a minority.
i think the best way is that if the majority of respondents dont care about the numbering typo then we should let it slide and get over it

just my 50 yen