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Advanced Lessons

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Advanced Lessons

Postby liralen42 » October 28th, 2007 3:38 pm

Hey, I am loving what you are doing at jpod 101. I posted this under a comment after one of the lessons, but i realized i should have put it here, so i'll post it again.

So, I am wondering if it is possible to have something in addition to Miki's Blog for advanced learners that i s conversation based. Similar to Miki's blog, it could be a conversation between three people or more, and an unplanned conversation with the topic only decided ahead of time and a transcript. I find tha when i am talking with two people i can follow ok, but when you get a bunch of people in an intense conversation, i tend to get lost sometimes, so maybe it will help. Also, it will help people get used to some colloquial expressions that sometimes come out like rapid fire. Then, if listeners have a question about the grammar in the conversation o word usage, they can just post it up. That way you don't have to prepare a PDF and focus on a certain grammar point.
And if you were to have commentary after the conversation, can it be all in Japanese?
Whaddaya think?

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