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mega human

Postby Lord_of_Chizu » August 23rd, 2007 11:29 pm

I was just wondering whats the Japanese view on different race relationships back here in the states there are still a lot of ignorant people that don't think i guess "cross breeding" (wrong word cant think of the word right know) is right and try to keep that family pure of what ever that race be, me im multiracial Chinese, German Spanish, Portuguese , and African so say if I were to go to Japan which is my dream and say I dated a japanese women how would her family react is it like here were its just a small percentage of people are against it or is it like the old time south here in America were more than half are against it?

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Postby seanolan » September 3rd, 2007 11:57 pm

A very easy way to insult someone is to imply that they look Korean or Chinese. I have had people tell me in confidence that they were half Korean, Chinese, Philippine, etc, and virtually beg me to never tell anyone else. Common gossip I hear from co-workers involves "scandalous" ancestry of non-Japanese origin, or concerns the possibility that someone is dating someone of non-Japanese origin. So yes, it is looked upon as something odd, but you won't often see blatant snubbing or rudeness like you could and still can in the deep South in the US. There is far less concern with it in the bigger cities, as you might expect.

Hell, in the inaka, they're STILL concerned with whether your great-grandfather was a garbage collector a hundred years ago...


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Postby Ulver_684 » October 31st, 2007 9:11 pm

seanolan wrote:A very easy way to insult someone is to imply that they look Korean or Chinese. I have had people tell me in confidence that they were half Korean, Chinese, Philippine, etc, and virtually beg me to never tell anyone else. Common gossip I hear from co-workers involves "scandalous" ancestry of non-Japanese origin, or concerns the possibility that someone is dating someone of non-Japanese origin. So yes, it is looked upon as something odd, but you won't often see blatant snubbing or rudeness like you could and still can in the deep South in the US. There is far less concern with it in the bigger cities, as you might expect.

Hell, in the inaka, they're STILL concerned with whether your great-grandfather was a garbage collector a hundred years ago...


Sean-san! :wink:

That's very interesting info and topic, thanks! 8)

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