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PodCasts appearing but not downloadable...

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PodCasts appearing but not downloadable...

Postby seanolan » April 17th, 2007 11:27 pm

In the Premium Podcast subscription, I have twice seen podcasts come up as available, but they are not downloadable nor are they shown on the main page. Why are they showing up in the subscription if they cannot be downloaded? Also, today, I seem to be having trouble, in that it also shows nothing later than Audio Blog 32 (as well as the aforementioned, undownloadable Culture Class Moving II) does not list Newbie Lesson 20 nor Beginner Lesson 164 .


Eran Team Member
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Postby Eran » April 18th, 2007 2:17 am

Hi Sean,

We have corrected a bug that was allowing some future shows to sneak into the Premium feed before their time.

I am not really sure why you are unable to see any lessons newer than Audio Blog 32 on the Premium Feed as I am able to see both Newbie Lesson 20 and Beginner Lesson 164 on mine. Did you update the feed by right clicking on it's title and selecting "Update Podcast"?

- Eran
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Postby seanolan » April 18th, 2007 2:59 am

I did "update podcast" and it didn't show any further episodes this morning. Sadly, I am at work now and cannot check if it is working now because the proxy doesn't allow downloading podcasts (stupid work, anyway!) but I'll check tonight if I can see them.


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