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Retired husband syndrome

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Retired husband syndrome

Postby Harv » November 15th, 2006 4:57 pm ... 143010.stm

In Japan it is estimated that 60% of older women have a common problem - their husbands. Having spent years "married to their jobs", retired men are having an extraordinary effect on the health of their partners.more

You can watch the programme here (Only if you have a UK ip, you can use a proxy if you want to see it outside the UK)[/url]

I saw this last night and thought it was quite interesting. Basically some Japanese men work all day and then spend the night with their co-workers. During this time the wives grow used to living alone, and so when the husbands retire the women can't live with their husbands but they don't want to divorce either. The women then start showing signs of depression and physical illness.

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Postby metablue » November 24th, 2006 8:14 pm

Wow. I guess it's more of a problem in Japan because of the salaryman ethic. It says somewhere in that article that it's also a problem with military wives/any profession where one member of the marriage is away all the time. And if you have a really small house in the city with no garden to escape to, I can see how suddenly having your spouse there all the time would be stressful. I wonder if those couples were still having sex before the retirement. If you don't want to live with a stranger, how are you able to sleep with him?

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Postby CrazySwayzee » December 11th, 2006 1:09 am

this probably explains why prostitution in Japan isn't considered "immoral".

the business man doesn't have to time to love or be intimate with their wife, so obviously the business men want to fulfill some sort of sexual fulfillment.

as long as it happens behind closed doors, it's okay in Japan. out of sight, out of mind.

the portrayal of sex in the media in Japan can be worse than say, America or Europe, and that is a very big shame.

also, many Japanese women reject marriage and family life because it means you have to "settle down" and be ignored by the husband.

but, as usual, the Japanese Government will not admit that there's a problem with Japan's social structure.

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