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Japanese Folktales and Fairy Tales

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Japanese Folktales and Fairy Tales

Postby Zero333863690 » December 11th, 2010 2:33 am

Does anyone know of a site that i can use to read/buy Japanese kids tales (in Japanese)?
I'm trying to find books that have lower reading levels (only kana) to learn to read and expand my knowledge.
Can anyone help? Thanks in advance :D

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Postby Javizy » December 11th, 2010 3:50 pm

All kana is a bit of a nightmare, and children's books can be quite difficult (kids can understand a lot of language). Maybe you could try something like Doraemon or Yotsuba. Since they're manga, the sentences are nice and short, with few kanji and furigana, and the topics are about everyday situations, so it's useful stuff to pick up (compared to dragons and princesses and whatnot). You won't find a Japanese person alive who doesn't know Doraemon, so you could argue it has cultural benefits as well. There was even a ドラえもん大好き芸人 Ame Talk :lol:

If you really want to try fairytales, I'm pretty sure there are some websites with a bunch (possibly with audio too). I don't remember the site(s), but if you search this forum and you should find a post about it.

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Postby Zero333863690 » December 11th, 2010 5:01 pm

Thanks for the reply. Yea, I just figured as simple as possible. Kids tend to learn little sentences and words as they read basic books, such as fairy tales or manga so I figured I'd start there. I ordered a couple of Bleach volumes in Japanese. I also found a book of Japanese fairytales on amazon (ended up being under "bilingual english-japanese" so it actually has both languages).

Right now i'm currently learning the Hiragana, next will be Katakana (using and multiple SRS') After that I'm going to purchase "Remembering the Kanji and use "Reviewing the Kanji" and more SRS' to assist in learning the Kanji. My goal is to eventually be able to pick out and read words in books and start to learn vocabulary as well (I wanted to skip the Romaji phase). The idea is to avoid translations at all costs. (I also purchased Picture flashcards with Romaji and Hiragana/Katakana words on the front, as well as sample sentences in the back of the card consisting of English, Romaji, and Hiragana/Katakana).

Anyway, that's the plan =)
I'll try reading Doraemon or Yotsuba if I can find a copy, thanks again.

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Re: Japanese Folktales and Fairy Tales

Postby Nekomancer0158144 » April 12th, 2012 6:48 pm

Zero333863690 wrote:Does anyone know of a site that i can use to read/buy Japanese kids tales (in Japanese)?
I'm trying to find books that have lower reading levels (only kana) to learn to read and expand my knowledge.
Can anyone help? Thanks in advance :D

Umm The channel
7tokyo(i really dont know the name of the channel)
that channel made a tv show that shows Japanese folk stories :3 kinda interesting

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