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Postby ピーターズ » November 21st, 2007 7:33 am

Ulver_684 wrote:
Ulver_684 wrote:Mina-san, this Spanish video says alot:

Mina-san! :wink:

Any comments for the Spanish video :? No one?

I saw the video and that young person's actions were atrocious: what possibly can be done to curtail such antisocial behavior?

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Postby MeLLeoNae » March 27th, 2008 10:33 pm

Alpo wrote:I think the subject of racism might more easily be handled on a case-by-case basis.

As far as Japan is concerned, I don't think I've ever met a person who's completed their JET program and expressed to me their feeling that Japan was a largely exclusive nation. Considering they immerse themselves into the society where they're placed, to me that means alot.

On the other hand... I'm a 5th generation Japanese American. Both sides of my family immigrated from Japan in the mid to late 1800's. My nihongo tends to be colloquial or antiquiated so it's pretty obvious when I speak that I'm not a native born speaker even if I appear to be. (Example: Although I don't say it, I think "benjo" before "toirei" and "nambo" before "ikura"... :( ) I've been ordered out of a cab by the driver in Shinjuku and told that "Japan is for Japanese", and also been called an "inakajin". :cry:

I think it's more about how people interact with each other (both + and -), rather then overt institutionalized racism. :wink:

aww...hat sucks. I feel for you. I'm part Japanese as well. I haven't been to Japan. I have a japanese/hawaiian(american) friend and she speaks japanese fluetly. Although, for some reason, I feel like she belittles be sometimes just because I couldn't speak Japanese. ugh! highschool! Thats why I'm trying my best to learn! :D

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Postby josiah » March 31st, 2008 4:17 pm

theres some good articles on arudou debitos website about this issue in japan


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Postby sashimidimsum7250 » April 1st, 2008 12:39 am

Ulver_684 wrote:
Ulver_684 wrote:Mina-san, this Spanish video says alot: ... &plindex=0

Mina-san! :wink:

Any comments for the Spanish video :? No one?

I have a comment. Why didn't that guy in front do anything? Quite sad.

Apart from that ,racism makes my blood boil. That is all.

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Postby Psy » April 1st, 2008 8:14 am

josiah wrote:theres some good articles on arudou debitos website about this issue in japan

Just to make a note of this, while there is a certain amount of truth in Debito's writings, his points are extremely one-sided and he has been known to remove commentary expressing differences in opinion. Part of the reason he finds so much trouble in Japan is because he's out trying to get it. The points are worthwhile because they differ from the rose-tinted views of so many others, but keep in mind there are two sides to every story.

Oh yes-- that video was horrible. Racism is an ugly thing.
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Postby sashimidimsum7250 » April 1st, 2008 11:47 am

Psy wrote: Part of the reason he finds so much trouble in Japan is because he's out trying to get it.

I totally agree with that statement.

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Postby Hugo » April 4th, 2008 2:30 pm

It is truly and difficult matter, racism is an ugly thing but unfortunately is something what is present everywhere :(

I'm from Argentina and is not so rare to seen an act of racism against a person from Bolivia o Peru for example. :?

About the video, that was really an hideous act and I agree with the comment of Ochazuke-san.

P.D.: Greetings to all the people of this great community 8)

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Postby sashimidimsum7250 » April 5th, 2008 11:33 am

Hugo wrote:
I'm from Argentina and is not so rare to seen an act of racism against a person from Bolivia o Peru for example. :?

Seriously? Racism is stupid, but this is just way too moronic for words.

sTeVe aUsTiN
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Postby sTeVe aUsTiN » April 10th, 2008 11:56 am

What a sad, sad video.

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