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New Person Question

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New Person Question

Postby paulbutcher2000_514398 » November 22nd, 2016 2:54 pm

I've just signed up for a Premium membership. What lesson courses would you recommend to begin with for someone who is only just starting to look into grammar and creating sentences (I know about 350 Kanji)? Also how do you best utilise the site? Do you put every word from every lesson you go over in the word bank or just the ones you aren't sure on? Do they all automatically go in there anyway when you complete a lesson or series?

Any advice would be great.

こんばんは. わたしのなまえはポールです. わたしはイギリスで生まれました. しかし、今はオーストラリアにすんでいます. わたしは三十二歳です. らふばらだいがくのがくせいでした. せんこうはこうがくでした.


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Re: New Person Question

Postby motoko.innovative » November 30th, 2016 12:38 am

ポールさん こんにちは。

Welcome to!
ラフバラー大学(Loughborough University)の学生でしたか。オーストラリアはどうですか。 :)

Actually you can use our site in various ways.
As for the courses, I recommend Absolute Beginner series Season 1&2 as a starter.
It covers the basic phrases and sentence patterns.

If you really like to dig up the grammar, We have Nihongo Dojo series, (Newbie series Season 2&3, and Beginner series Season 4-6).
They're the long grammar based series and you can build various grammar patterns and expressions.

If you have some specific goal to learn, you can select one of the Learning Paths, and following the Paths.
The lessons are selected according to the goal, so that you can study efficiently.

As for the Word Bank, it would be more efficient to add just the ones you aren't sure on, then delete the one you have remembered.
The vocabulary does not go to the Word Bank automatically.

Please feel free to ask any questions and concerns!
Hope this helps,
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