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Looking for study partners in Chicago, IL

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Joined: September 8th, 2016 4:01 am

Looking for study partners in Chicago, IL

Postby jasminemisa_513622 » September 8th, 2016 4:06 am


I live in Chicago, IL, and am looking for study partners. We don't have to be at the same level. We can meet often or infrequently, both are fine, and go to a library or coffee shop to study. I speak a fair amount, I have been speaking since I was a child, but I am just learning reading and writing now, I am working on hiragana still. I just want some encouragement, and I think it would be fun to study with someone. I am not in a class so I don't know anyone studying Japanese. Please get back to me if you're curious and might be interested!
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