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Joined: November 3rd, 2015 12:48 pm

New person here

Postby fearthecuteness » November 3rd, 2015 1:19 pm

Hello everyone. My name is Cleo and I've only just registered on this site about 10 minutes ago. I'm completely new here and with learning japanese as I only started about 2 weeks ago. I was just wondering if there's anyone out there who can give me somewhat of a tour of this place. I see there's a lot of different study tools and lessons around this website so I was just wondering what people's daily routines on this website are.

Also, if there's anyone out there who can let me know of any other free resources that have helped them out that would be great too. I've been looking around on and they have helped me learn hiragana so I now know all of them (going to be using that website to study katakana too). Since I own an iphone I've been finding free apps for that too. I have memrise, HJ lite, Tae Kim's learning japanese and imiwa. So far I've only really fully tried out memrise but have started trying out the others but not sure what I think of them so far. Oh, I also have Anki on my laptop too which I still need to find/make decks for. so if anyone has any links to any of them too that'd be highly appreciated. :)

I'm looking forward to meeting new people on here and maybe find people on here that I get on well enough with to become "study buddies" with. Although I feel like that won't be happening until I know at least some simple conversations. I'm sure I'll get there eventually.

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Joined: November 16th, 2012 8:54 am

Re: New person here

Postby community.japanese » November 7th, 2015 3:07 pm

konnichiwa. :)
Welcome to
I think you should start with Newbie S1.
Please refer to the curriculum.

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New in Town
Posts: 2
Joined: November 3rd, 2015 12:48 pm

Re: New person here

Postby fearthecuteness » November 10th, 2015 9:07 am

Thanks for your help. :)

Expert on Something
Posts: 2704
Joined: November 16th, 2012 8:54 am

Re: New person here

Postby community.japanese » November 15th, 2015 12:45 pm

fearthecuteness san,
konnichiwa. :)
You are welcome.
Yuki 由紀

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