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I don't really understand.

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I don't really understand.

Postby CoZmic_Cobra » June 26th, 2015 3:46 pm

Firstly i would like to say Hi My real name is Jordan

Also sorry this is in the wrong section i have no idea where it should go

Im not really sure what the prices are of this website, because on two different pages it says two different prices for the same type of membership.

on the pick a plan page it says premium membership is 10 dollars a month
( )
but on the help centre billing subscriptions pricing page it says one month is 25 dollors ( )

can someone please explain to me the pricings please

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Re: I don't really understand.

Postby mmmason8967 » June 26th, 2015 9:33 pm

The price depends on how many months you pay for in advance. The more you pay up front, the lower the monthly cost works out.

You can pay $25 each month.

You can pay $66 in advance for three months membership, which works out at $22 per month.

You can pay $120 in advance for six months membership, which works out at $20 per month.

You can pay $180 in advance for one year membership, which works out at $15 per month.

You can pay $240 in advance for two years membership, which works out at $10 per month.


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Re: I don't really understand.

Postby team.relationships » July 13th, 2015 2:59 am


In case you need any additional information kindly write to us at .


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