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Best way to study flashcards until app supports them?

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Best way to study flashcards until app supports them?

Postby Jdzspace9765 » May 31st, 2015 2:32 am

I am starting to trudge through the top 2000 words so i added them to my flashcard deck, but it is so much easier for me to do flashcards on my phone instead of my computer. But going on to the website just doesn't work very well, I want to study them, but i'm on the go so much i'm not sure the best way to do it.

any suggestions?

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Re: Best way to study flashcards until app supports them?

Postby lauralanda » June 10th, 2015 2:46 am

Hi Jdzspace9765,

Thank you for posting!
We recommend you to try any of our apps. You can find a complete list here, read the descriptions and find the best one for you -
To study on the go :D
Let us know if you have questions or suggestions.


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